Tracing Failures

Tracing locations of failed expectations

As of 0.5.0, failed expectations carry a NonEmptyList[SourceLocation], which can be used to manually trace the callsites that lead to a failure.

By default, the very location where the expectation is created is captured, but the traced method can be use to add additional locations to the expectation.

import weaver._

object TracingSuite extends SimpleIOSuite {

  pureTest("Tracing example") {

  def foo(implicit loc : SourceLocation) = bar().traced(loc).traced(here)

  def bar() = baz().traced(here)

  def baz() = expect(1 != 1)
Tracing example 1ms

Tracing example 1ms
  assertion failed (

  def baz() = expect(1 != 1)
Total 1, Failed 1, Passed 0, Ignored 0, Cancelled 0