by Erik Osheim on Oct 13, 2013
Spire’s type classes abstract over very basic operators like +
. These operations are normally very fast. This means that any
extra work that happens on a per-operation basis (like boxing or
object allocation) will cause generic code to be slower than its
direct equivalent.
Efficient, generic numeric programming is Spire’s raison d’être. We have developed a set of Ops macros to avoid unnecessary object instantiations at compile-time. This post explains how, and illustrates how you can use these macros in your code!
When using type classes in Scala, we rely on implicit conversions to “add” operators to an otherwise generic type.
In this example, A
is the generic type, Ordering
is the type
class, and >
is the implicit operator. foo1
is the code that the
programmer writes, and foo4
is a translation of that code after
implicits are resolved, and syntactic sugar is expanded.
import scala.math.Ordering
import Ordering.Implicits._
def foo1[A: Ordering](x: A, y: A): A =
x > y
def foo2[A](x: A, y: A)(implicit ev: Ordering[A]): A =
x > y
def foo3[A](x: A, y: A)(implicit ev: Ordering[A]): A =
infixOrderingOps[A](x)(ev) > y
def foo4[A](x: A, y: A)(implicit ev: Ordering[A]): A =
new ev.Ops(x) > y
(This is actually slightly wrong. The expansion to foo4
won’t happen
until runtime, when infixOrderingOps
is called. But it helps
illustrate the point.)
Notice that we instantiate an ev.Ops
instance for every call to
. This is not a big deal in many cases, but for a call that is
normally quite fast it will add up when done many (e.g. millions) of
It is possible to work around this:
def bar[A](x: A, y: A)(implicit ev: Ordering[A]): A =, y)
The ev
parameter contains the method we actually want (gt
), so
instead of instantiating ev.Ops
this code calls
But this approach is ugly. Compare these two methods:
def qux1[A: Field](x: A, y: A): A =
((x pow 2) + (y pow 2)).sqrt
def qux2[A](x: A, y: A)(implicit ev: Field[A]): A =
ev.sqrt(, 2), ev.pow(y, 2)))
If you have trouble reading qux2
, you are not alone.
At this point, it looks like we can either write clean, readable code
), or code defensively to avoid object allocations (qux2
Most programmers will just choose one or the other (probably the
former) and go on with their lives.
However, since this issue affects Spire deeply, we spent a bit more time looking at this problem to see what could be done.
Let’s look at another example, to compare how the “nice” and “fast” code snippets look after implicits are resolved:
def niceBefore[A: Ring](x: A, y: A): A =
(x + y) * z
def niceAfter[A](x: A, y: A)(implicit ev: Ring[A]): A =
new RingOps(new RingOps(x)(ev).+(y))(ev).*(z)
def fast[A](x: A, y: A)(implicit ev: Ring[A]): A =
ev.times(, y), z)
As we can see, niceAfter
and fast
are actually quite similar. If
we wanted to transform niceAfter
into fast
, we’d just have to:
Figure out the appropriate name for symbolic operators. In this
example, +
becomes plus
and *
becomes times
Rewrite the object instantiation and method call, calling the
method on ev
instead and passing x
and y
as arguments. In
this example, new Ops(x)(ev).foo(y)
becomes, y)
In a nutshell, this transformation is what Spire’s Ops macros do.
Your project must use Scala 2.10+ to be able to use macros.
To use Spire’s Ops macros, you’ll need to depend on the spire-macros
package. If you use SBT, you can do this by adding the following line
to build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "org.spire-math" %% "spire-macros" % "0.6.1"
You will also need to enable macros at the declaration site of your ops classes:
import scala.language.experimental.macros
Consider Sized
, a type class that abstracts over the notion of
having a size. Type class instances for Char
, Map
, and List
provided in the companion object. Of course, users can also provide
their own instances.
Here’s the code:
trait Sized[A] {
def size(a: A): Int
def isEmpty(a: A): Boolean = size(a) == 0
def nonEmpty(a: A): Boolean = !isEmpty(a)
def sizeCompare(x: A, y: A): Int = size(x) compare size(y)
object Sized {
implicit val charSized = new Sized[Char] {
def size(a: Char): Int = a.toInt
implicit def mapSized[K, V] = new Sized[Map[K, V]] {
def size(a: Map[K, V]): Int = a.size
implicit def listSized[A] = new Sized[List[A]] {
def size(a: List[A]): Int = a.length
override def isEmpty(a: List[A]): Boolean = a.isEmpty
override def sizeCompare(x: List[A], y: List[A]): Int = (x, y) match {
case (Nil, Nil) => 0
case (Nil, _) => -1
case (_, Nil) => 1
case (_ :: xt, _ :: yt) => sizeCompare(xt, yt)
(Notice that Sized[List[A]]
overrides some of the “default”
implementations to be more efficient, since taking the full length of
a list is an O(n) operation.)
We’d like to be able to call these methods directly on a generic type
when we have an implicit instance of Sized[A]
available. So
let’s define a SizedOps
class, using Spire’s Ops macros:
import spire.macrosk.Ops
import scala.language.experimental.macros
object Implicits {
implicit class SizedOps[A: Sized](lhs: A) {
def size(): Int = macro Ops.unop[Int]
def isEmpty(): Boolean = macro Ops.unop[Boolean]
def nonEmpty(): Boolean = macro Ops.unop[Boolean]
def sizeCompare(rhs: A): Int = macro Ops.binop[A, Int]
That’s it!
Here’s what it would look like to use this type class:
import Implicits._
def findSmallest[A: Sized](as: Iterable[A]): A =
as.reduceLeft { (x, y) =>
if ((x sizeCompare y) < 0) x else y
def compact[A: Sized](as: Vector[A]): Vector[A] =
def totalSize[A: Sized](as: Seq[A]): Int =
as.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.size)
Not bad, eh?
Of course, there’s always some fine-print.
In this case, the implicit class must use the same parameter names
as above. The constructor parameter to SizedOps
must be called
and the method parameter (if any) must be called
. Also, unary operators (methods that take no parameters, like
) must have parenthesis.
How the macros handle classes with multiple constructor parameters, or multiple method parameters? They don’t. We haven’t needed to support these kinds of exotic classes, but it would probably be easy to extend Spire’s Ops macros to support other shapes as well.
If you fail to follow these rules, or if your class has the wrong shape, your code will fail to compile. So don’t worry. If your code compiles, it means you got it right!
The previous example illustrates rewriting method calls to avoid allocations, but what about mapping symbolic operators to method names?
Here’s an example showing the mapping from *
to times
trait CanMultiply[A] {
def times(x: A, y: A): A
object Implicits {
implicit class MultiplyOps[A: CanMultiply](lhs: A) {
def *(rhs: A): A = macro Ops.binop[A, A]
object Example {
import Implicits._
def gak[A: CanMultiply](a: A, as: List[A]): A =
as.foldLeft(a)(_ * _)
Currently, the Ops macros have a large (but Spire-specific) mapping from symbols to names. However, your project may want to use different names (or different symbols). What then?
For now, you are out of luck. In Spire 0.7.0, we plan to make it possible to use your own mapping. This should make it easier for other libraries that make heavy use of implicit symbolic operators (e.g. Scalaz) to use these macros as well.
You might wonder how the Ops macros interact with specialization. Fortunately, macros are expanded before the specialization phase. This means you don’t need to worry about it! If your type class is specialized, and you invoke the implicit from a specialized (or non-generic) context, the result will be a specialized call.
(Of course, using Scala’s specialization is tricky, and deserves its own blog post. The good news is that type classes are some of the easiest structures to specialize correctly in Scala.)
Evaluating the macros at compile-time also means that if there are problems with the macro, you’ll find out about those at compile-time as well. While we expect that many projects will benefit from the Ops macros, they were designed specifically for Spire so it’s possible that your project will discover problems, or need new features.
If you do end up using these macros, let us know how they work for you. If you have problems, please open an issue, and if you have bug fixes (or new features) feel free to open a pull request!
We are used to thinking about abstractions having a cost. So we often end up doing mental accounting: “Is it worth making this generic? Can I afford this syntactic sugar? What will the runtime impact of this code be?” These condition us to expect that code can either be beautiful or fast, but not both.
By removing the cost of implicit object instantiation, Spire’s Ops macros raise the abstraction ceiling. They allow us to make free use of type classes without compromising performance. Our goal is to close the gap between direct and generic performance, and to encourage the widest possible use of generic types and type classes in Scala.