by Eric Torreborre on Jul 12, 2018
Writing tests seems like a wonderful idea in theory but real systems can be a real pain to test. Today I want to show a few tips on how to use specs2 + ScalaCheck to make some real-world testing somewhat bearable.
I am currently refactoring a big piece of code. Such refactoring is more like a small rewrite and some of our previous tests also have to be rewritten from scratch. I will try to introduce you to the problem first.
The system-du-jour is called “Panda” (we have animal names for many of our services in my team) and is tasked with the creation of articles on our legacy platform. An article is already a complicated beast. We have 3 levels of descriptions:
This data can be created in our legacy catalog by calling a bunch of SOAP (yes you read that right) APIs and getting back, at each level, some identifiers for the model, the configs, the simples.
This in itself can already be quite complicated and the creation of an article could fail in many ways. But it gets a lot more complex considering that:
we need the service to be idempotent and not try to recreate an existing model/config/simple twice if we receive the same event twice (we are using Kafka as our events system)
the articles sent by a merchant can be created incrementally, so some parts of the model/config/simple might have been already created in a previous call
we are not the only ones creating articles in the system! Indeed, our team creates articles coming from external merchants but there is also an internal “wholesale” department buying their own articles and creating them in the catalog. In that case a merchant might add a new config to an existing model or some simples to an existing config
any step in the process could break and we have no support for transactions making sure that everything is created at once
So many things which can go wrong, how would you go about testing it?
After I started rewriting the tests I realized that our current approach was barely scratching the surface of all the possible combinations. In a similar case your first thought should be “ScalaCheck”! But this time I am going to use ScalaCheck with a twist. Instead of only modelling input data (model/config/simples) I am also modelling the system state:
If we translate this into a specs2 + ScalaCheck specification, we get a property like this:
class ArticleServiceSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { def is = s2"""
<insert long description of the problem and what we want to test>
run tests for model creation $modelCreation
def modelCreation = prop { (reviewed: Article, catalog: TestCatalog, mappings: TestMappings) =>
ok // for now
We are creating a ScalaCheck property, with a specs2 method prop
which gives us some additional power over row ScalaCheck properties.
One thing we do here is to restrict the kind of generated Article
to articles containing only one new configuration because we want to
focus first on all the possible cases of model creation. So we pass a specific generator to the property, just for the first argument
with setGen1
Then, as you can see above, we return ok
which is a specs2 result. This is because prop
allows us to return anything that specs2 recognizes
as a Result
(with the org.specs2.execute.AsResult
typeclass) and then we are not limited to booleans in our ScalaCheck properties but
we can use specs2 matchers as well (we are going use this in the next step).
Now, for testing we need to do the following:
val before = createBeforeState(reviewed, catalog, mappings)
val result = run(createService(catalog, mappings).createArticles[R](reviewed))
val after = createAfterState(reviewed, catalog, mappings, result)
What are BeforeState
and AfterState
? They are custom case classes modelling the variables we are interested in:
case class BeforeState(
modelIdProvided: Boolean,
modelNeedsToBeCreated: Boolean,
modelExistsInCatalog: Boolean,
mappingExists: Boolean)
case class AfterState(
modelExistsInCatalog: Boolean,
mappingExists: Boolean,
exception: Option[Throwable])
The first 2 variables of BeforeState
are a bit curious. The first one gives us a ModelId
if upstream systems know that a model already
exist. Then how could modelNeedsToBeCreated
be true? Well, the events we receive don’t rule out this possibility. This is the
current state of our domain data and arguably we should model things differently and reject malformed events right away. This is where the
saying “Listen to your tests” comes in :-).
If we count the number of combinations we end up with 16 possibilities for our “before state” and 8 possible outcomes. How can we represent all those combinations in our test?
Specs2 offers to possibility to create tables of data directly inside the code for better readability of actual and expected values when you have lots of different possible combinations. Here is what we can do here
val results =
"#" | "model-id" | "create" | "in catalog" | "mapping" || "in catalog" | "mapping" | "exception" | "comment" |
1 ! true ! true ! true ! true !! true ! true ! false ! "no model is created, because it can be found in the catalog, creation data is ignored" |
2 ! true ! true ! true ! false !! true ! true ! false ! "we just updated the mapping" |
3 ! true ! true ! false ! true !! false ! true ! true ! "the config creation must fail, no existing model" |
4 ! true ! true ! false ! false !! true ! true ! false ! "the given model-id is ignored (a warning is logged)" |
5 ! true ! false ! true ! true !! true ! true ! false ! "no model is created, because it can be found in the catalog" |
6 ! true ! false ! true ! false !! true ! false ! false ! "the mappings are not updated because we did not create the model" |
7 ! true ! false ! false ! true !! false ! true ! true ! "no corresponding model in the catalog" |
8 ! true ! false ! false ! false !! false ! false ! true ! "no corresponding model in the catalog" |
9 ! false ! true ! true ! true !! true ! true ! false ! "we use the mapping table to retrieve the model id and the catalog for the model" |
10 ! false ! true ! true ! false !! true ! true ! false ! "in this case the model already exists in the catalag but we have no way to know" |
11 ! false ! true ! false ! true !! false ! true ! true ! "the mapping exists but not the data in the catalog" |
12 ! false ! true ! false ! false !! true ! true ! false ! "regular model + config creation case" |
13 ! false ! false ! true ! true !! true ! true ! true ! "there is no model id and no creation data" |
14 ! false ! false ! true ! false !! true ! false ! true ! "the model exists in the catalog but we have no way to retrieve it" |
15 ! false ! false ! false ! true !! false ! true ! true ! "model id found in the mapping but not in the catalog" |
16 ! false ! false ! false ! false !! false ! false ! true ! "not enough data to create the model nor the mapping"
checkState(before, after, parseTable(results))
This looks like a strange piece of code but this is actually all valid Scala syntax! results
is a specs2 DataTable
created out of:
We can also use ||
and !!
as separators and we use this possibility here to visually distinguish input columns from expected results
The table above is like a big “truth table” for all our input conditions. Running a test consists in:
The funny thing is that before executing the test I did not exactly know what the code would actually do! So I just let the test guide me. I put some expected values, run the test and in case of a failure, inspect the input values, think hard about why the code is not behaving the way I think it should.
One question comes to mind: since this is a ScalaCheck property, how can we be sure we hit all the cases in the table? The first thing we
can do is to massively increase the number of tests that are going to be executed for this property, like 10000. With specs2 you have many
ways to do this. You can set the minTestsOk
ScalaCheck property directly in the code:
def modelCreation = prop { (reviewed: Article, catalog: TestCatalog, mappings: TestMappings) =>
}.setGen1(genArticleOneConfig).set(minTestsOk = 10000)
But you can also do it from sbt:
sbt> testOnly *ArticleServiceSpec -- scalacheck.mintestsok 10000
This is quite cool because this means that you don’t have to recompile the code if you just want to run a ScalaCheck property with more tests.
As I wrote, when a specific combination would fail I had to inspect the inputs/outputs and think hard, maybe my expectations are wrong and I needed to change the expected values? To this end I added a “line number” column to the table and reported it in the result:
[error] > On line 6
[error] Before
[error] model id set: true
[error] model creation data set: false
[error] model exists in catalog : true
[error] model id mapping exists: false
[error] After
[error] model exists in catalog: true
[error] expected: true
[error] model id mapping exists: false
[error] expected: false
[error] exception thrown: None
[error] expected: Some
This reporting is all done in the checkState
method which is:
Actually I even enhanced the display of actual/expected values by coloring them in green or red in the console, using one of specs2 helper
classes org.specs2.text.AnsiColors
import org.specs2.text.AnsiColors
def withColor[A](actual: A, expected: A, condition: (A, A) => Boolean = (a:A, e:A) => a == e): String =
// color the expected value in green or red, depending on the test success
color(expected.toString, if (condition(actual, expected)) green else red)
withColor(after.modelExistsInCatalog, expected.modelExistsInCatalog)
Both the line numbering and the coloring really helps in fixing issues fast!
A vexing issue with property-based testing is that being random, it will generate random failures every time you re-run a property. So you can’t re-run a property with the exact same input data. But that was before ScalaCheck 1.14! Now we can pass the seed that is used by the random generator to faithfully re-run a failing test. Indeed when a property fails, specs2 will display the current seed value:
[error] The seed is 1tRQ5-jdfEABEXz1y62Cs0C4vNJQKyXps9eWvbjJPSI=
And you can pass this value on the command line to re-run with exactly the failing input data:
sbt> testOnly *ArticleServiceSpec -- scalacheck.seed 1tRQ5-jdfEABEXz1y62Cs0C4vNJQKyXps9eWvbjJPSI=
This is super-convenient for debugging!
Finally when a given row in the table passes, there is a comment
column to register the reason for this specific outcomes so that future
generations have a sense of why the code is behaving that way. In that sense this whole approach is a bit like having “golden tests” which
are capturing the behaviour of the system as a series of examples
This post shows how we can leverage features from both specs2 and ScalaCheck to make our tests more exhaustive, more readable, more debuggable. The reality is still more complicated than this:
the total number of combinations would make our table very large. So there are actually several tables (one for model creation, one for config creation,…) where we assume that some variables are fixed while others can move
specs2 datatables are currently limited to 10 columns. The DataTable
code is actually code generated and the latest version only has 10
columns. One easy first step would be to generate more code (and go up to the magic 22 number for example) or to re-implement this functionality
as some kind of HList
the input state is not trivial to generate because the objects are dependent. The ModelId
of a generated model must be exactly the same
as the one used in the Mappings
component to register that a model has already been created. So in reality the 2 generators for Article
are not totally independent
the Arbitrary
instance for Article
can give us articles with 5 Configs
and 10 Simples
but for this test, one Config
and one Simple
are enough. Unfortunately we miss a nice language to express those generation condition and easily tweak the default Arbitrary[Article]
will explore a solution to this problem during the next Haskell eXchange)
why are we even using ScalaCheck to generate all the cases since we already statically know all the possible 16 input conditions? We could invert this relation and have a ScalaCheck property generated for each row of the datatable with some arbitrary data for the model (and some fixed data given by the current row). This would not necessarily lead to easier code to implement.
Anyway despite those remaining questions and issues I hope this post gives you some new ideas on how to be more effective when writing tests with specs2 and ScalaCheck, please comment on your own experiments!