Data types that have instances of Tell[F, L]
are able to accumulate values of type L
in the F[_]
This is done by adding values of L
to the accumulated log by using the tell
trait Tell[F[_], L] {
def tell(l: L): F[Unit]
This log is write-only and the only way to modify it is to add more L
Usually most instances require a Monoid[L]
in order to properly accumulate values of L
Let's have a look at an example how you could Tell
to log service calls.
First we'll add the actual service call with its parameters and result types:
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
import cats.mtl.Tell
case class ServiceParams(option1: String, option2: Int)
case class ServiceResult(userId: Int, companies: List[String])
def serviceCall[F[_]: Monad](params: ServiceParams): F[ServiceResult] =
// a fake call to some external service, replace with real implementation
ServiceResult(0, List("Raven Enterprises")).pure[F]
Now let's write an extra function that log what kind of parameters were passed as well as what the service returned.
For the log, we'll be using a Chain[String]
, as it supports very efficient concatenation:
def serviceCallWithLog[F[_]: Monad](params: ServiceParams)(implicit F: Tell[F, Chain[String]]): F[ServiceResult] =
for {
_ <- F.tell("Call to service with ${params.option1} and ${params.option2}"))
result <- serviceCall[F](params)
_ <- F.tell("Service returned: userId: ${result.userId}; companies: ${result.companies}"))
} yield result
Now let's materialize this to see if it worked.
Instances for Tell
include Writer
and WriterT
, but also Tuple2
val (log, result): (Chain[String], ServiceResult) =
serviceCallWithLog[Writer[Chain[String], *]](ServiceParams("business", 42)).run
// log: Chain[String] = Append(
// leftNE = Singleton(a = "Call to service with business and 42"),
// rightNE = Singleton(
// a = "Service returned: userId: 0; companies: List(Raven Enterprises)"
// )
// )
// result: ServiceResult = ServiceResult(
// userId = 0,
// companies = List("Raven Enterprises")
// )
And voila, it works as expected.
We were using just a standard Writer
for this example,
but remember that any monad transformer stack with WriterT
in it somewhere will have an instance of Tell