Our community has identified project ideas that we believe will significantly enhance the Typelevel ecosystem. Nothing is set in stone: we may be able to adjust a project’s length and difficulty to make it the right fit for you. So if you see something here that interests you or have an idea of your own, please get in touch!
We want to make it possible to deploy machine learning inference as part of a larger web service without compromising the latency of other on-going requests. The goal of this project is to create a compiler to transform a pre-trained ML model into a sequence of Cats Effect IO
steps that perform inference on some input.
Scala, ideally some experience with ML
Hard but doable. Will draw on knowledge of ML and compilers.
Long (~ 350 hours)
@armanbilge @djspiewak @ekrich @valencik
programming languages
Feral is a Typelevel library for building serverless functions that currently supports AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Run Functions. We want to add support for more types of serverless events and more cloud providers.
Scala, ideally experience with serverless
Medium (~ 175 hours)
@armanbilge @bpholt @Chingles2404
programming languages
FS2 on the JVM currently implements its networking API using JDK NIO. Unfortunately this indirection incurs a non-trivial performance penalty. We want to replace the use of JDK NIO with direct calls to system I/O APIs such as epoll
and kqueue
Scala, ability to read C
Long (~ 350 hours)
@antoniojimeneznieto @djspiewak @mpilquist @armanbilge
operating systems
programming languages
Cats Effect v3.6.0 introduced the ability to poll for I/O readiness. We want to use polling to reimplement several I/O APIs in FS2, including datagrams, unix sockets, and processes, on the JVM and Native platforms.
Scala, ability to read C
Long (~ 350 hours)
@armanbilge @mpilquist @antoniojimeneznieto
operating systems
programming languages
TCP-based protocols are common (e.g. HTTP, Postgres, Redis) and are implemented by clients to interface with these services (e.g. Ember, Skunk, Rediculous). The goal of this project is to create a “connection” API that supports pooling, error conditions, and metrics and can be shared by all of our client libraries.
Scala, ideally some knowledge of networking
Long (~ 350 hours)
operating systems
programming languages
Calico is a reactive UI library built with Cats Effect and FS2. Web Components are a standard for creating framework-agnostic, reusable UI elements. The goal of this project is to enable Calico users to access the vast array of web components available by improving its DSL and code-generation.
Scala, ideally experience with Web APIs
Long (~ 350 hours)
programming languages
sbt-typelevel is a plugin for sbt, the Scala build tool, used by hundreds of open source and enterprise projects. sbt 2 is in the final stages of development. We want to upgrade sbt-typelevel to sbt 2 and adopt its new features, such as “project matrix” for cross-building.
Long (~ 350 hours)
development tools
The Davenverse is a collection of several popular Typelevel libraries, including Mules and cats-scalacheck. Unfortunately, we have fallen behind on their maintenance. We want to move these libraries under the Typelevel org, refresh their build tooling, and bring them up-to-date to ensure their longevity.
Medium (~ 175 hours)
development tools
programming languages
Web Assembly and its System Interface are emerging technologies for deploying secure, modular applications. The goal of this project is to prototype porting the Cats Effect runtime and FS2 streaming I/O to the Wasm/WASI platform, also possibly generating feedback for the Scala WASM and WASI teams.
Scala, ideally some experience with Wasm/WASI
Hard. Wasm/WASI support in Scala is experimental.
Long (~ 350 hours)
@armanbilge @tanishiking @valencik
operating systems
programming languages
log4cats is the de facto logging library for the Typelevel stack. Recently, a new API was proposed that overcomes current limitations of log4cats. The goal of this project is to adopt the new API in log4cats, migrate existing integrations to the new API, and create a compatibility layer with the old API.
Long (~ 350 hours)
@morgen-peschke @kubukoz @irevive
programming languages
fs2-data is a streaming data library that supports a plethora of formats. http4s is a library for creating and consuming web services. http4s-fs2-data is a project to integrate the two libraries. We want to integrate more fs2-data modules as well as enhance the existing integrations.
Short (~ 90 hours)
programming languages
Doobie is a purely functional library for database access. Our test suites are written before there is good integration between MUnit (the test framework) and Cats-Effect (the effect system we depend on). We want to convert to use munit-cats-effect to make them less verbose and error prone.
Medium (~ 175 hours)
programming languages
Are you interested in working on a GSoC project with Typelevel mentors?
send us an email