by Typelevel on Nov 13, 2019
Six months ago, we launched the Typelevel sustainability program to provide more ways for our community to help support Typelevel projects. Since then, we received numerous donations from individuals as well as corporations, now bringing our estimated annual budget to over $18,000. We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of our community. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
Our original plan was to use the donation to hire a part-time dedicated maintainer to help support participating projects. That plan requires a higher annual budget, namely $150,000. We decided that we are going to adjust this plan to be more aligned with the current level of donations. We will start to distribute money received from donations directly to maintainers through OpenCollective. Maintainers of pariticpating projects who are interested in being paid report their hours to the program admin each month. If non-maintainer contributors are interested in contributing paid work, please request approvals from maintainers ahead of time. At the end of the month, we calculate how much each maintainer can invoice based on total recorded hours and monthly budget received. Invoices can then be submitted to opencollective as expenses and paid.
We believe that this new plan will support the long-term sustainability of our projects in a more budget flexible way. Please reach out to us if you have any concerns or feedback. We’ll happily refund donors who prefer their donations not being distributed this way.
From now on, please donate through the Typelevel sustainability program’s opencollective page. The old donorbox portal will be shut down. If you haven’t, please consider talking to your employer about supporting the OSS libraries they are using. Our sponsor levels remain unchanged: annual donation from $2,000 to $5,000 for silver, from $5,000 to $10,000 for gold, and from $10,000 to $50,000 for platinum. Individual donations are much much appreciated too. The more budget we have, the more supported office hours the maintainers can have.
Thanks again for your support! We look forward to continuing building a strong and active community for Functional programming in Scala.