Checkout some of our projects from past GSoC years!
Click on a project card to learn more about it.
Integrated Cats Effect and FS2 with Linux kernel APIs, making http4s Ember benchmark 3x faster!
operating systems
Implemented the Websocket network protocol in http4s Ember, unblocking JS/Native support for a Kubernetes client.
Designed Scala APIs for Open Telemetry Specifications and opened the door to a pure Scala SDK.
Introduced a Google Cloud Run Functions integration for Feral to deploy http4s apps in Google's serverless platform.
cloud / programming languages
Designed a new library for easy scripting with files and processes, for inclusion in the Typelevel Toolkit.
programming languages
Integrated Protosearch with Scaladocs, enabling a unified search experience across a project's written and API docs.
data / web