Expectations (assertions)

Expectations are pure, composable values. This forces developers to separate the test's checks from the scenario, which is generally cleaner/clearer.

The easiest way to construct expectactions is to call the expect macro. The clue function can be used to investigate failures.


Example suite

import weaver._
import cats.effect.IO

object ExpectationsSuite extends SimpleIOSuite {

  object A {
    object B {
      object C {
        def test(a: Int) = a + 5

  pureTest("Simple expectations (success)") {
    val z = 15
    expect(A.B.C.test(z) == z + 5)
  pureTest("Simple expectations (failure)") {
    val z = 15
    expect(clue(A.B.C.test(z)) % 7 == 0)

  pureTest("And/Or composition (success)") {
    expect(1 != 2) and expect(2 != 1) or expect(2 != 3)

  pureTest("And/Or composition (failure)") {
    (expect(1 != clue(2)) and expect(2 == clue(1))) or expect(2 == clue(3))

  pureTest("Varargs composition (success)") {
    // expect(1 + 1 == 2) && expect (2 + 2 == 4) && expect(4 * 2 == 8)
    expect.all(1 + 1 == 2, 2 + 2 == 4, 4 * 2 == 8)

  pureTest("Varargs composition (failure)") {
    // expect(1 + 1 == 2) && expect (2 + 2 == 4) && expect(4 * 2 == 8)
    expect.all(clue(1 + 1) == 2, clue(2 + 2) == 5, clue(4 * 2) == 8)

  pureTest("Working with collections (success)") {
    forEach(List(1, 2, 3))(i => expect(i < 5)) and
      forEach(Option("hello"))(msg => expect.same(msg, "hello")) and
      exists(List("a", "b", "c"))(i => expect(i == "c")) and
      exists(Vector(true, true, false))(i => expect(i == false))

  pureTest("Working with collections (failure 1)") {
    forEach(Vector("hello", "world"))(msg => expect.same(msg, "hello"))

  pureTest("Working with collections (failure 2)") {
    exists(Option(39))(i => expect(clue(i) > 50))

  import cats.Eq
  case class Test(d: Double)

  implicit val eqTest: Eq[Test] = Eq.by[Test, Double](_.d)

  pureTest("Strict equality (success)") {
    expect.eql("hello", "hello") and
      expect.eql(List(1, 2, 3), List(1, 2, 3)) and
      expect.eql(Test(25.0), Test(25.0))  

  pureTest("Strict equality (failure 1)") {
    expect.eql("hello", "world")

  pureTest("Strict equality (failure 2)") {
    expect.eql(List(1, 2, 3), List(1, 19, 3))

  pureTest("Strict equality (failure 3)") {
    expect.eql(Test(25.0), Test(50.0))

  // Note that we don't have an instance of Eq[Hello]
  // anywhere in scope
  class Hello(val d: Double) {
    override def toString = s"Hello to $d"

    override def equals(other: Any) = 
      if(other != null && other.isInstanceOf[Hello])
        other.asInstanceOf[Hello].d == this.d

  pureTest("Relaxed equality comparison (success)") {
    expect.same(new Hello(25.0), new Hello(25.0))
  pureTest("Relaxed equality comparison (failure)") {
    expect.same(new Hello(25.0), new Hello(50.0))

  pureTest("Non macro-based expectations") {
    val condition : Boolean = false
    if (condition) success else failure("Condition failed")

  test("Failing fast expectations") {
    for {
      h <- IO.pure("hello")
      _ <- expect(clue(h).isEmpty).failFast
    } yield success

Example suite report

Simple expectations (success) 10ms
And/Or composition (success) 22ms
Varargs composition (success) 0ms
Working with collections (success) 15ms
Strict equality (success) 13ms
Relaxed equality comparison (success) 2ms
Simple expectations (failure) 20ms
And/Or composition (failure) 21ms
Varargs composition (failure) 9ms
Working with collections (failure 1) 24ms
Working with collections (failure 2) 4ms
Strict equality (failure 1) 14ms
Strict equality (failure 2) 8ms
Strict equality (failure 3) 3ms
Relaxed equality comparison (failure) 0ms
Non macro-based expectations 0ms
Failing fast expectations 6ms

Simple expectations (failure) 20ms
  assertion failed (expectations.md:33)

  Clues {
    A.B.C.test(z): Int = 20
And/Or composition (failure) 21ms
 [0] assertion failed (expectations.md:42)
 [0] Clues {
 [0]   1: Int = 1
 [0] }

 [1] assertion failed (expectations.md:42)
 [1] Clues {
 [1]   3: Int = 3
 [1] }
Varargs composition (failure) 9ms
  assertion failed (expectations.md:52)

  Clues {
    1 + 1: Int = 2
    2 + 2: Int = 4
    4 * 2: Int = 8
Working with collections (failure 1) 24ms
  Values not equal: (expectations.md:63)

=> Diff (- obtained+ expected)
  +world Working with collections (failure 2) 4ms
  assertion failed (expectations.md:67)

  Clues {
    i: Int = 39
Strict equality (failure 1) 14ms
  Values not equal: (expectations.md:82)

=> Diff (- obtained+ expected)
  +hello Strict equality (failure 2) 8ms
  Values not equal: (expectations.md:86)

=> Diff (- obtained+ expected)
  -List(1, 19, 3)
  +List(1, 2, 3) Strict equality (failure 3) 3ms
  Values not equal: (expectations.md:90)

=> Diff (- obtained+ expected)
  +Test(25.0) Relaxed equality comparison (failure) 0ms
  Values not equal: (expectations.md:110)

=> Diff (- obtained+ expected)
  -Hello to 50.0
  +Hello to 25.0 Non macro-based expectations 0ms
  Condition failed (expectations.md:115) Failing fast expectations 6ms
  assertion failed (expectations.md:121)

  Clues {
    h: String = hello
Total 17, Failed 11, Passed 6, Ignored 0, Cancelled 0