


package tagless

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. tagless
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package aop
  2. package derived
  3. package optimize
  4. package syntax

Type Members

  1. type AnyK[A] = Any
  2. trait ApplyK[Alg[_[_]]] extends SemigroupalK[Alg] with FunctorK[Alg]
  3. type Const[A] = AnyRef { type λ[T] = A }
  4. trait ContravariantK[Alg[_[_]]] extends InvariantK[Alg]

    A higher-kinded Contravariant functor.

    A higher-kinded Contravariant functor. Must obey the laws in cats.tagless.laws.ContravariantKLaws.

  5. trait FunctorK[Alg[_[_]]] extends InvariantK[Alg]

    Sort of a higher kinded Functor, but, well, it's complicated.

    Sort of a higher kinded Functor, but, well, it's complicated. See Daniel Spiewak's comment here https://github.com/typelevel/cats/issues/2697#issuecomment-453883055 Also explains why this isn't in cats-core.

  6. type IdK[A] = AnyRef { type λ[F[_]] = F[A] }
  7. trait InvariantK[Alg[_[_]]] extends Serializable
  8. trait SemigroupalK[Alg[_[_]]] extends Serializable
  9. trait SemigroupalKInstances extends SemigroupalKInstances01
  10. trait SemigroupalKInstances01 extends SemigroupalKInstances02
  11. trait SemigroupalKInstances02 extends SemigroupalKInstances03
  12. trait SemigroupalKInstances03 extends SemigroupalKInstances04
  13. trait SemigroupalKInstances04 extends SemigroupalKInstances05
  14. trait SemigroupalKInstances05 extends SemigroupalKInstances06
  15. trait SemigroupalKInstances06 extends SemigroupalKInstances07
  16. trait SemigroupalKInstances07 extends AnyRef
  17. final class Trivial[A] extends Serializable

    The trivial type class which has an instance for any type but does nothing.

  18. type Tuple3K[F[_], G[_], H[_]] = AnyRef { type λ[T] = (F[T], G[T], H[T]) }
  19. type Tuple4K[F[_], G[_], H[_], I[_]] = AnyRef { type λ[T] = (F[T], G[T], H[T], I[T]) }
  20. type Tuple5K[F[_], G[_], H[_], I[_], J[_]] = AnyRef { type λ[T] = (F[T], G[T], H[T], I[T], J[T]) }
  21. type Tuple6K[F[_], G[_], H[_], I[_], J[_], K[_]] = AnyRef { type λ[T] = (F[T], G[T], H[T], I[T], J[T], K[T]) }
  22. type Tuple7K[F[_], G[_], H[_], I[_], J[_], K[_], L[_]] = AnyRef { type λ[T] = (F[T], G[T], H[T], I[T], J[T], K[T], L[T]) }
  23. type Tuple8K[F[_], G[_], H[_], I[_], J[_], K[_], L[_], M[_]] = AnyRef { type λ[T] = (F[T], G[T], H[T], I[T], J[T], K[T], L[T], M[T]) }
  24. type Tuple9K[F[_], G[_], H[_], I[_], J[_], K[_], L[_], M[_], N[_]] = AnyRef { type λ[T] = (F[T], G[T], H[T], I[T], J[T], K[T], L[T], M[T], N[T]) }
  25. type Void[A] = Unit

Value Members

  1. implicit def catsTaglessApplyKForIdK[A]: ApplyK[[F[_]]F[A]]
  2. object ApplyK extends DerivedApplyK with Serializable
  3. object ContravariantK extends DerivedContravariantK with Serializable
  4. object FunctorK extends DerivedFunctorK with Serializable
  5. object InvariantK extends InvariantKInstances01 with DerivedInvariantK with Serializable
  6. object SemigroupalK extends SemigroupalKInstances with DerivedSemigroupalK with Serializable
  7. object Trivial extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
