Type classes
Currently, there are five type classes defined in Cats-tagless: FunctorK, ContravariantK, InvariantK, SemigroupalK, and ApplyK. They can be deemed as somewhat higher kinded versions of the corresponding type classes in cats.
def mapK[F[_], G[_]](af: A[F])(fk: F ~> G): A[G]
For tagless final algebras whose effect F
appears only in the covariant position, instance of FunctorK
can be auto generated through the autoFunctorK
def contramapK[F[_], G[_]](af: A[F])(fk: G ~> F): A[G]
For tagless final algebras whose effect F
appears only in the contravariant position, instance of ContravariantK
can be auto generated through the autoContravariantK
def imapK[F[_], G[_]](af: A[F])(fk: F ~> G)(gK: G ~> F): A[G]
For tagless final algebras whose effect F
appears in both the covariant positions and contravariant positions, instance of InvariantK
can be auto generated through the autoInvariantK
def productK[F[_], G[_]](af: A[F], ag: A[G]): A[Tuple2K[F, G, *]]
For tagless final algebras that
- has no extra type parameters or abstract type members, and
- whose effect
appears only in the covariant position for all members,
instance of SemigroupalK
can be auto generated through autoSemigroupalK
def map2K[F[_], G[_], H[_]](af: A[F], ag: A[G])(f: Tuple2K[F, G, *] ~> H): A[H]
extends both SemigroupalK
and FunctorK
just like their lower kinded counterparts.
For tagless final algebras that
- has no extra type parameters or abstract type members, and
- whose effect
appears only in the covariant position for all members,
instance of ApplyK
can be auto generated through autoApplyK
Their laws are defined in cats.tagless.laws
. To test your instance (if you decide to roll your own) against these laws please follow the examples in cats.tagless.tests
, especially the ones that test against SafeAlg