Free Monad
API Documentation: Free
What is it?
A free monad is a construction which allows you to build a monad from any Functor. Like other monads, it is a pure way to represent and manipulate computations.
In particular, free monads provide a practical way to:
- represent stateful computations as data, and run them
- run recursive computations in a stack-safe way
- build an embedded DSL (domain-specific language)
- retarget a computation to another interpreter using natural transformations
(In Cats, the type representing a free monad is abbreviated as Free[_]
Using Free Monads
If you'd like to use Cats' free monad, you'll need to add a library dependency
for the cats-free
A good way to get a sense for how free monads work is to see them in
action. The next section uses Free[_]
to create an embedded DSL
(Domain Specific Language).
If you're interested in the theory behind free monads, the What is Free in theory? section discusses free monads in terms of category theory.
Study your topic
Let's imagine that we want to create a DSL for a key-value store. We want to be able to do three things with keys:
- put a
into the store, associated with itskey
- get a
from the store given itskey
- delete a
from the store given itskey
The idea is to write a sequence of these operations in the embedded DSL as a "program", compile the "program", and finally execute the "program" to interact with the actual key-value store.
For example:
put("toto", 3)
get("toto") // returns 3
But we want:
- the computation to be represented as a pure, immutable value
- to separate the creation and execution of the program
- to be able to support many different methods of execution
Study your grammar
We have 3 commands to interact with our KeyValue store:
a value associated with a key into the storeGet
a value associated with a key out of the storeDelete
a value associated with a key from the store
Create an ADT representing your grammar
ADT stands for Algebraic Data Type. In this context, it refers to a closed set of types which can be combined to build up complex, recursive values.
We need to create an ADT to represent our key-value operations:
sealed trait KVStoreA[A]
case class Put[T](key: String, value: T) extends KVStoreA[Unit]
case class Get[T](key: String) extends KVStoreA[Option[T]]
case class Delete(key: String) extends KVStoreA[Unit]
Free your ADT
There are five basic steps to "freeing" the ADT:
- Create a type based on
. - Create smart constructors for
. - Build a program out of key-value DSL operations.
- Build a compiler for programs of DSL operations.
- Execute our compiled program.
1. Create a Free
type based on your ADT
type KVStore[A] = Free[KVStoreA, A]
2. Create smart constructors using liftF
These methods will make working with our DSL a lot nicer, and will
lift KVStoreA[_]
values into our KVStore[_]
monad (note the
missing "A" in the second type).
// Put returns nothing (i.e. Unit).
def put[T](key: String, value: T): KVStore[Unit] =
liftF[KVStoreA, Unit](Put[T](key, value))
// Get returns a T value.
def get[T](key: String): KVStore[Option[T]] =
liftF[KVStoreA, Option[T]](Get[T](key))
// Delete returns nothing (i.e. Unit).
def delete(key: String): KVStore[Unit] =
// Update composes get and set, and returns nothing.
def update[T](key: String, f: T => T): KVStore[Unit] =
for {
vMaybe <- get[T](key)
_ <- => put[T](key, f(v))).getOrElse(Free.pure(()))
} yield ()
3. Build a program
Now that we can construct KVStore[_]
values we can use our DSL to
write "programs" using a for-comprehension:
def program: KVStore[Option[Int]] =
for {
_ <- put("wild-cats", 2)
_ <- update[Int]("wild-cats", (_ + 12))
_ <- put("tame-cats", 5)
n <- get[Int]("wild-cats")
_ <- delete("tame-cats")
} yield n
This looks like a monadic flow. However, it just builds a recursive data structure representing the sequence of operations.
4. Write a compiler for your program
As you may have understood now, Free[_]
is used to create an embedded
DSL. By itself, this DSL only represents a sequence of operations
(defined by a recursive data structure); it doesn't produce anything.
is a programming language inside your programming language!
So, like any other programming language, we need to compile our abstract language into an effective language and then run it.
To do this, we will use a natural transformation between type
containers. Natural transformations go between types like F[_]
(this particular transformation would be written as
or as done here using the symbolic
alternative as F ~> G
In our case, we will use a simple mutable map to represent our key value store:
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
import cats.{Id, ~>}
import scala.collection.mutable
// the program will crash if a type is incorrectly specified.
def impureCompiler: KVStoreA ~> Id =
new (KVStoreA ~> Id) {
// a very simple (and imprecise) key-value store
val kvs = mutable.Map.empty[String, Any]
def apply[A](fa: KVStoreA[A]): Id[A] =
fa match {
case Put(key, value) =>
println(s"put($key, $value)")
kvs(key) = value
case Get(key) =>
case Delete(key) =>
Please note this impureCompiler
is impure -- it mutates kvs
also produces logging output using println
. The whole purpose of
functional programming isn't to prevent side-effects, it is just to
push side-effects to the boundaries of your system in a well-known and
controlled way.
represents the simplest type container: the type itself. Thus,
is just Int
. This means that our program will execute
immediately, and block until the final value can be returned.
However, we could easily use other type containers for different behavior, such as:
for asynchronous computation
for gathering multiple results
to support optional results
Either[E, *]
to support failure
- a pseudo-random monad to support non-determinism
- and so on...
5. Run your program
The final step is naturally running your program after compiling it.
is just a recursive structure that can be seen as sequence
of operations producing other operations. In this way it is similar to
. We often use folds (e.g. foldRight
) to obtain a single
value from a list; this recurses over the structure, combining its
The idea behind running a Free[_]
is exactly the same. We fold the
recursive structure by:
- consuming each operation.
- compiling the operation into our effective language using
(applying its effects if any).
- computing next operation.
- continue recursively until reaching a
state, and returning it.
This operation is called Free.foldMap
final def foldMap[M[_]](f: FunctionK[S,M])(M: Monad[M]): M[A] = ...
must be a Monad
to be flattenable (the famous monoid aspect
under Monad
). As Id
is a Monad
, we can use foldMap
To run your Free
with previous impureCompiler
val result: Option[Int] = program.foldMap(impureCompiler)
// put(wild-cats, 2)
// get(wild-cats)
// put(wild-cats, 14)
// put(tame-cats, 5)
// get(wild-cats)
// delete(tame-cats)
// result: Option[Int] = Some(value = 14)
An important aspect of foldMap
is its stack-safety. It evaluates
each step of computation on the stack then unstack and restart. This
process is known as trampolining.
As long as your natural transformation is stack-safe, foldMap
never overflow your stack. Trampolining is heap-intensive but
stack-safety provides the reliability required to use Free[_]
data-intensive tasks, as well as infinite processes such as streams.
6. Use a pure compiler (optional)
The previous examples used an effectful natural transformation. This
works, but you might prefer folding your Free
in a "purer" way. The
State data structure can be used to keep track of the program
state in an immutable map, avoiding mutation altogether.
type KVStoreState[A] = State[Map[String, Any], A]
val pureCompiler: KVStoreA ~> KVStoreState = new (KVStoreA ~> KVStoreState) {
def apply[A](fa: KVStoreA[A]): KVStoreState[A] =
fa match {
case Put(key, value) => State.modify(_.updated(key, value))
case Get(key) =>
case Delete(key) => State.modify(_ - key)
(You can see that we are again running into some places where Scala's support for pattern matching is limited by the JVM's type erasure, but it's not too hard to get around.)
val result: (Map[String, Any], Option[Int]) = program.foldMap(pureCompiler).run(Map.empty).value
// result: (Map[String, Any], Option[Int]) = (
// Map("wild-cats" -> 14),
// Some(value = 14)
// )
Composing Free monads ADTs.
Real world applications often time combine different algebras.
The injection type class described by Swierstra in Data types à la carte
lets us compose different algebras in the context of Free
Let's see a trivial example of unrelated ADT's getting composed as a EitherK
that can form a more complex program.
import cats.{Id, InjectK, ~>}
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
/* Handles user interaction */
sealed trait Interact[A]
case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[String]
case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit]
/* Represents persistence operations */
sealed trait DataOp[A]
case class AddCat(a: String) extends DataOp[Unit]
case class GetAllCats() extends DataOp[List[String]]
Once the ADTs are defined we can formally state that a Free
program is the EitherK of its Algebras.
type CatsApp[A] = EitherK[DataOp, Interact, A]
In order to take advantage of monadic composition we use smart constructors to lift our Algebra to the Free
class Interacts[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[Interact, F]) {
def tell(msg: String): Free[F, Unit] = Free.liftInject[F](Tell(msg))
def ask(prompt: String): Free[F, String] = Free.liftInject[F](Ask(prompt))
object Interacts {
implicit def interacts[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[Interact, F]): Interacts[F] = new Interacts[F]
class DataSource[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[DataOp, F]) {
def addCat(a: String): Free[F, Unit] = Free.liftInject[F](AddCat(a))
def getAllCats: Free[F, List[String]] = Free.liftInject[F](GetAllCats())
object DataSource {
implicit def dataSource[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[DataOp, F]): DataSource[F] = new DataSource[F]
ADTs are now easily composed and trivially intertwined inside monadic contexts.
def program(implicit I : Interacts[CatsApp], D : DataSource[CatsApp]): Free[CatsApp, Unit] = {
import I._, D._
for {
cat <- ask("What's the kitty's name?")
_ <- addCat(cat)
cats <- getAllCats
_ <- tell(cats.toString)
} yield ()
Finally we write one interpreter per ADT and combine them with a FunctionK
to EitherK
so they can be
compiled and applied to our Free
object ConsoleCatsInterpreter extends (Interact ~> Id) {
def apply[A](i: Interact[A]) = i match {
case Ask(prompt) =>
case Tell(msg) =>
object InMemoryDatasourceInterpreter extends (DataOp ~> Id) {
private[this] val memDataSet = new ListBuffer[String]
def apply[A](fa: DataOp[A]) = fa match {
case AddCat(a) => memDataSet.append(a); ()
case GetAllCats() => memDataSet.toList
val interpreter: CatsApp ~> Id = InMemoryDatasourceInterpreter or ConsoleCatsInterpreter
Now if we run our program and type in "snuggles" when prompted, we see something like this:
import DataSource._, Interacts._
val evaled: Unit = program.foldMap(interpreter)
// What's the kitty's name?
// List(snuggles)
For the curious ones: what is Free in theory?
Mathematically-speaking, a free monad (at least in the programming language context) is a construction that is left adjoint to a forgetful functor whose domain is the category of Monads and whose co-domain is the category of Endofunctors. Huh?
Concretely, it is just a clever construction that allows us to build a very simple Monad from any functor.
The above forgetful functor takes a Monad
- forgets its monadic part (e.g. the
- forgets its pointed part (e.g. the
- finally keeps the functor part (e.g. the
By reversing all arrows to build the left-adjoint, we deduce that the free monad is basically a construction that:
- takes a functor
- adds the pointed part (e.g.
- adds the monadic behavior (e.g.
In terms of implementation, to build a monad from a functor we use the following classic inductive definition:
sealed abstract class Free[F[_], A]
case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]
case class Suspend[F[_], A](a: F[Free[F, A]]) extends Free[F, A]
(This generalizes the concept of fixed point functor.)
In this representation:
builds aFree
instance from anA
value (it reifies thepure
builds a newFree
by applyingF
to a previousFree
(it reifies theflatMap
So a typical Free
structure might look like:
is a recursive structure. It uses A
in F[A]
as the
recursion "carrier" with a terminal element Pure
From a computational point of view, Free
recursive structure can be
seen as a sequence of operations.
returns anA
value and ends the entire computation.
is a continuation; it suspends the current computation with the suspension functorF
(which can represent a command for example) and hands control to the caller.A
represents a value bound to this computation.
Please note this Free
construction has the interesting quality of
encoding the recursion on the heap instead of the stack as classic
function calls would. This provides the stack-safety we heard about
earlier, allowing very large Free
structures to be evaluated safely.
For the very curious ones
If you look at implementation in cats, you will see another member of
the Free[_]
case class FlatMapped[S[_], B, C](c: Free[S, C], f: C => Free[S, B]) extends Free[S, B]
represents a call to a subroutine c
and when c
finished, it continues the computation by calling the function f
with the result of c
It is actually an optimization of Free
structure allowing to solve a
problem of quadratic complexity implied by very deep recursive Free
It is exactly the same problem as repeatedly appending to a List[_]
As the sequence of operations becomes longer, the slower a flatMap
"through" the structure will be. With FlatMapped
, Free
becomes a
right-associated structure not subject to quadratic complexity.
Often times we want to interleave the syntax tree when building a Free monad with some other effect not declared as part of the ADT. FreeT solves this problem by allowing us to mix building steps of the AST with calling action in other base monad.
In the following example a basic console application is shown.
When the user inputs some text we use a separate State
monad to track what the user
As we can observe in this case FreeT
offers us the alternative to delegate denotations to State
monad with stronger equational guarantees than if we were emulating the State
ops in our own ADT.
import cats._
/* A base ADT for the user interaction without state semantics */
sealed abstract class Teletype[A] extends Product with Serializable
final case class WriteLine(line : String) extends Teletype[Unit]
final case class ReadLine(prompt : String) extends Teletype[String]
type TeletypeT[M[_], A] = FreeT[Teletype, M, A]
type Log = List[String]
type TeletypeState[A] = State[List[String], A]
/** Teletype smart constructors */
object TeletypeOps {
def writeLine(line : String) : TeletypeT[TeletypeState, Unit] =
FreeT.liftF[Teletype, TeletypeState, Unit](WriteLine(line))
def readLine(prompt : String) : TeletypeT[TeletypeState, String] =
FreeT.liftF[Teletype, TeletypeState, String](ReadLine(prompt))
def log(s : String) : TeletypeT[TeletypeState, Unit] =
FreeT.liftT[Teletype, TeletypeState, Unit](State.modify(s :: _))
def program : TeletypeT[TeletypeState, Unit] = {
for {
userSaid <- TeletypeOps.readLine("what's up?!")
_ <- TeletypeOps.log(s"user said : $userSaid")
_ <- TeletypeOps.writeLine("thanks, see you soon!")
} yield ()
def interpreter = new (Teletype ~> TeletypeState) {
def apply[A](fa : Teletype[A]) : TeletypeState[A] = {
fa match {
case ReadLine(prompt) =>
val userInput = "hanging in here" //
StateT.pure[Eval, List[String], A](userInput)
case WriteLine(line) =>
StateT.pure[Eval, List[String], A](println(line))
import TeletypeOps._
val state = program.foldMap(interpreter)
// state: TeletypeState[Unit] =
val initialState = Nil
// initialState: Nil.type = List()
val (stored, _) =
// what's up?!
// thanks, see you soon!
// stored: List[String] = List("user said : hanging in here")
Another example is more basic usage of FreeT
with some context Ctx
for which we provide Try
combined with OptionT
for reducing boilerplate.
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.util.Try
sealed trait Ctx[A]
case class Action(value: Int) extends Ctx[Int]
def op1: FreeT[Ctx, Option, Int] =
FreeT.liftF[Ctx, Option, Int](Action(7))
def op2: FreeT[Ctx, Option, Int] =
FreeT.liftT[Ctx, Option, Int](Some(4))
def op3: FreeT[Ctx, Option, Int] =
FreeT.pure[Ctx, Option, Int](1)
val opComplete: FreeT[Ctx, Option, Int] =
for {
a <- op1
b <- op2
c <- op3
} yield a + b + c
// opComplete: FreeT[Ctx, Option, Int] = FlatMapped(
// a0 = Suspend(a = Some(value = Left(value = Action(value = 7)))),
// f0 = <function1>
// )
/* Our interpreters */
type OptTry[A] = OptionT[Try, A]
def tryInterpreter: Ctx ~> OptTry = new (Ctx ~> OptTry) {
def apply[A](fa: Ctx[A]): OptTry[A] = {
fa match {
case Action(value) =>
def optTryLift: Option ~> OptTry = new (Option ~> OptTry) {
def apply[A](fa: Option[A]): OptTry[A] = {
fa match {
case Some(value) =>
case None =>
val hoisted = opComplete.hoist(optTryLift)
// hoisted: FreeT[Ctx, [A]OptTry[A], Int] = FlatMapped(
// a0 = Suspend(
// a = OptionT(
// value = Success(value = Some(value = Left(value = Action(value = 7))))
// )
// ),
// f0 = scala.Function1$$Lambda$14463/0x00007f8c8b66a978@400f0d2f
// )
val evaluated = hoisted.foldMap(tryInterpreter)
// evaluated: OptTry[Int] = OptionT(value = Success(value = Some(value = 12)))
val result = evaluated.value
// result: Try[Option[Int]] = Success(value = Some(value = 12))
Future Work (TODO)
There are many remarkable uses of Free[_]
. In the future, we will
include some here, such as:
- Trampoline
- Option
- Iteratee
- Source
- etc...
We will also discuss the Coyoneda Trick.
This article was written by Pascal Voitot and edited by other members of the Cats community.