API Documentation: IndexedStateT
is a structure that provides a functional approach to handling application state. State[S, A]
is basically a function S => (S, A)
, where S
is the type that represents your state and A
is the result the function produces. In addition to returning the result of type A
, the function returns a new S
value, which is the updated state.
Let's try to make this more concrete with an example. We have this Robot
final case class Robot(
id: Long,
sentient: Boolean,
name: String,
model: String)
We would like to generate some random Robot
instances for test data.
Pseudorandom values
Scala's standard library has a built-in Random
class that provides a (pseudo)random number generator (RNG). Let's use it to write a method that creates robots.
val rng = new scala.util.Random(0L)
def createRobot(): Robot = {
val id = rng.nextLong()
val sentient = rng.nextBoolean()
val isCatherine = rng.nextBoolean()
val name = if (isCatherine) "Catherine" else "Carlos"
val isReplicant = rng.nextBoolean()
val model = if (isReplicant) "replicant" else "borg"
Robot(id, sentient, name, model)
val robot = createRobot()
// robot: Robot = Robot(
// id = -4962768465676381896L,
// sentient = false,
// name = "Catherine",
// model = "replicant"
// )
We create a single Random
instance, which is mutated as a side-effect each time that we call nextLong
or nextBoolean
on it. This mutation makes it more difficult to reason about our code. Someone might come along and see that we have rng.nextBoolean
repeated three times within a single method. They might cleverly avoid repeated code and method invocations by extracting the common code into a variable:
val rng = new scala.util.Random(0L)
def createRobot(): Robot = {
val id = rng.nextLong()
val b = rng.nextBoolean()
val sentient = b
val isCatherine = b
val name = if (isCatherine) "Catherine" else "Carlos"
val isReplicant = b
val model = if (isReplicant) "replicant" else "borg"
Robot(id, sentient, name, model)
val robot = createRobot()
// robot: Robot = Robot(
// id = -4962768465676381896L,
// sentient = false,
// name = "Carlos",
// model = "borg"
// )
But now the output of our program has changed! We used to have a replicant robot named Catherine, but now we have a borg robot named Carlos. It might not have been obvious, but the nextBoolean
calls we were making had the side effect of mutating internal RNG state, and we were depending on that behavior.
When we can't freely refactor identical code into a common variable, the code becomes harder to reason about. In functional programming lingo, one might say that such code lacks referential transparency.
Purely functional pseudorandom values
Since mutating state caused us trouble, let's create an RNG that is immutable.
We'll use a simple RNG that can generate pseudorandom Long
values based only on the previous "seed" value and some carefully chosen constants. You don't need to understand the details of this implementation for the purposes of this example, but if you'd like to know more, this is Knuth's 64-bit linear congruential generator.
final case class Seed(long: Long) {
def next = Seed(long * 6364136223846793005L + 1442695040888963407L)
Instead of mutating the existing long
value, calling next
returns a new Seed
instance with an updated long
Since the RNG isn't updating state internally, we will need to keep track of state outside of the RNG. When we call nextBoolean
we will want it to return a Boolean
as it did before, but we will also want it to return an updated Seed
that we can use to generate our next random value.
def nextBoolean(seed: Seed): (Seed, Boolean) =
(, seed.long >= 0L)
Similarly, nextLong
will return an updated Seed
along with a Long
def nextLong(seed: Seed): (Seed, Long) =
(, seed.long)
Now we need to explicitly pass in the updated state as we generate each new value.
def createRobot(seed: Seed): Robot = {
val (seed1, id) = nextLong(seed)
val (seed2, sentient) = nextBoolean(seed1)
val (seed3, isCatherine) = nextBoolean(seed2)
val name = if (isCatherine) "Catherine" else "Carlos"
val (seed4, isReplicant) = nextBoolean(seed3)
val model = if (isReplicant) "replicant" else "borg"
Robot(id, sentient, name, model)
val initialSeed = Seed(13L)
val robot = createRobot(initialSeed)
// robot: Robot = Robot(
// id = 13L,
// sentient = false,
// name = "Catherine",
// model = "replicant"
// )
Now it is a bit more obvious that we can't extract the three nextBoolean
calls into a single variable, because we are passing each one a different seed value.
However, it is a bit cumbersome to explicitly pass around all of this intermediate state. It's also a bit error-prone. It would have been easy to accidentally call nextBoolean(seed2)
for both the name generation and the model generation, instead of remembering to use nextBoolean(seed3)
the second time.
Cleaning it up with State
State's special power is keeping track of state and passing it along. Recall the description of State
at the beginning of this document. It is basically a function S
=> (S, A)
, where S
is a type representing state.
Our nextLong
function takes a Seed
and returns an updated Seed
and a Long
. It can be represented as Seed => (Seed, Long)
, and therefore matches the pattern S => (S, A)
where S
is Seed
and A
is Long
Let's write a new version of nextLong
using State
val nextLong: State[Seed, Long] = State(seed =>
(, seed.long))
The map
method on State
allows us to transform the A
value without affecting the S
(state) value. This is perfect for implementing nextBoolean
in terms of nextLong
val nextBoolean: State[Seed, Boolean] = =>
long >= 0)
The flatMap
method on State[S, A]
lets you use the result of one State
in a subsequent State
. The updated state (S
) after the first call is passed into the second call. These flatMap
and map
methods allow us to use State
in for-comprehensions:
val createRobot: State[Seed, Robot] =
for {
id <- nextLong
sentient <- nextBoolean
isCatherine <- nextBoolean
name = if (isCatherine) "Catherine" else "Carlos"
isReplicant <- nextBoolean
model = if (isReplicant) "replicant" else "borg"
} yield Robot(id, sentient, name, model)
At this point, we have not yet created a robot; we have written instructions for creating a robot. We need to pass in an initial seed value, and then we can call value
to actually create the robot:
val (finalState, robot) =
// finalState: Seed = Seed(long = 2999987205171331217L)
// robot: Robot = Robot(
// id = 13L,
// sentient = false,
// name = "Catherine",
// model = "replicant"
// )
If we only care about the robot and not the final state, then we can use runA
val robot = createRobot.runA(initialSeed).value
// robot: Robot = Robot(
// id = 13L,
// sentient = false,
// name = "Catherine",
// model = "replicant"
// )
The createRobot
implementation reads much like the imperative code we initially wrote for the mutable RNG. However, this implementation is free of mutation and side-effects. Since this code is referentially transparent, we can perform the refactoring that we tried earlier without affecting the result:
val createRobot: State[Seed, Robot] = {
val b = nextBoolean
for {
id <- nextLong
sentient <- b
isCatherine <- b
name = if (isCatherine) "Catherine" else "Carlos"
isReplicant <- b
model = if (isReplicant) "replicant" else "borg"
} yield Robot(id, sentient, name, model)
val robot = createRobot.runA(initialSeed).value
// robot: Robot = Robot(
// id = 13L,
// sentient = false,
// name = "Catherine",
// model = "replicant"
// )
This may seem surprising, but keep in mind that b
isn't simply a Boolean
. It is a function that takes a seed and returns a Boolean
, threading state along the way. Since the seed that is being passed into b
changes from line to line, so do the returned Boolean
Interleaving effects
Let's expand on the above example; assume that our random number generator works asynchronously by fetching results from a remote server:
import scala.concurrent.Future
final case class AsyncSeed(long: Long) {
def next = Future(AsyncSeed(long * 6364136223846793005L + 1442695040888963407L))
Using a proper IO
data type would be ideal, but Future
serves our purpose here.
We now need to redefine our nextLong
val nextLong: State[AsyncSeed, Future[Long]] = State { seed =>
(, seed.long)
// error: type mismatch;
// found : scala.concurrent.Future[AsyncSeed]
// required: AsyncSeed
// (, seed.long)
// ^^^^^^^^^
// error: type mismatch;
// found : Long
// required: scala.concurrent.Future[Long]
// (, seed.long)
// ^^^^^^^^^
Oops! That doesn't work: State[S, A]
requires that we return a pure next S
in the State.apply
constructor. We could define nextLong
as State[Future[AsyncSeed], Future[Long]]
, but that would get us into even more trouble:
val nextLong: State[Future[AsyncSeed], Future[Long]] = State { seedF => { seed =>
(, seed.long)
// error: type mismatch;
// found : scala.concurrent.Future[(scala.concurrent.Future[AsyncSeed], Long)]
// required: (scala.concurrent.Future[AsyncSeed], scala.concurrent.Future[Long])
// { seed =>
// ^
The seed
that State.apply
passes in is now a Future
, so we must map it. But we can't return a Future[(Future[S], [A])]
; so what do we do?
Luckily, State[S, A]
is an alias for StateT[Eval, S, A]
- a monad transformer defined as StateT[F[_], S, A]
. This data type represents computations of the form S => F[(S, A)]
If we plug in our concrete types, we get AsyncSeed => Future[(AsyncSeed, A)]
, which is something we can work with:
import cats.instances.future._
val nextLong: StateT[Future, AsyncSeed, Long] = StateT { seed => zip Future.successful(seed.long)
Now, what do we get back if we invoke run
on our nextLong
// res3: Future[(AsyncSeed, Long)] = Future(Success((AsyncSeed(1442695040888963407),0)))
Since every intermediate computation returns a Future
, the composite computation returns a Future
as well. To summarize, StateT[F[_], S, A]
allows us to interleave effects of type F[_]
in the computations wrapped by it.
It should be noted that different combinators on StateT
impose different constraints on F
; for example, map
only requires that F
has a Functor
instance, but flatMap
naturally requires F
to have a FlatMap
instance. Have a look at the method signatures for the details.
Changing States
More complex, stateful computations cannot be easily modeled by a single type. For example, let's try to model a door's state:
sealed trait DoorState
case object Open extends DoorState
case object Closed extends DoorState
case class Door(state: DoorState)
def open: State[DoorState, Unit] = ???
def close: State[DoorState, Unit] = ???
We would naturally expect that open
would only operate on doors that are Closed
, and vice-versa. However, to implement these methods currently, we have to pattern-match on the state:
val openImpl: State[DoorState, Unit] = State { doorState =>
doorState match {
case Closed => (Open, ())
case Open => ??? // What now?
This puts us in the awkward situation of deciding how to handle invalid states; what's the appropriate behavior? Should we just leave the door open? Should we return a failure? That would mean that our return type needs to be modified.
The most elegant solution would be to model this requirement statically using types, and luckily, StateT
is an alias for another type: IndexedStateT[F[_], SA, SB, A]
This data type models a stateful computation of the form SA => F[(SB, A)]
; that's a function that receives an initial state of type SA
and results in a state of type SB
and a result of type A
, using an effect of F
So, let's model our typed door:
import cats.Eval
def open: IndexedStateT[Eval, Closed.type, Open.type, Unit] = IndexedStateT.set(Open)
def close: IndexedStateT[Eval, Open.type, Closed.type, Unit] = IndexedStateT.set(Closed)
We can now reject, at compile time, sequences of open
and close
that are invalid:
val invalid = for {
_ <- open
_ <- close
_ <- close
} yield ()
// error: type mismatch;
// found :[cats.Eval,Open.type,Closed.type,Unit]
// required:[cats.Eval,Closed.type,?,?]
// _ <- close
// ^
// error: type mismatch;
// found : Unit =>[cats.Eval,Open.type,Nothing,Nothing]
// required: Unit =>[cats.Eval,Open.type,SC,B]
// _ <- open
// ^
While valid sequences will be accepted:
val valid = for {
_ <- open
_ <- close
_ <- open
} yield ()
// valid: IndexedStateT[Eval, Closed.type, Open.type, Unit] =
Note that the inferred type of valid
correctly models that this computation can be executed only with an initial Closed
// error: type mismatch;
// found : Open.type
// required: Closed.type
// ^^^^
// res6: Eval[(Open.type, Unit)] = cats.Eval$$anon$1@5dc66d8d