Welcome to the Wonderful World of Skunk! This section will help you get everything set up.
Database Setup
In order to run the tutorial examples you will need a Postgres server with the world
database loaded up, writable by the jimmy
user, who must be able to log in with password banana
. Our Docker image does exactly that.
docker run -p5432:5432 -d tpolecat/skunk-world
If you wish to use your own Postgres server you can download world/world.sql
from the Skunk repository and load it up yourself.
Scala Setup
Create a new project with Skunk as a dependency.
libraryDependencies += "org.tpolecat" %% "skunk-core" % "0.6.4"
IDE Setup
For metals, no additional steps are needed.
For IntelliJ, add the skunk-intellij plugin to have correct code highlighting support for statements.
Verify Your Setup
Try out this minimal IOApp that connects to the database and selects the current date.
import cats.effect._
import skunk._
import skunk.implicits._
import skunk.codec.all._
import natchez.Trace.Implicits.noop // (1)
object Hello extends IOApp {
val session: Resource[IO, Session[IO]] =
Session.single( // (2)
host = "localhost",
port = 5432,
user = "jimmy",
database = "world",
password = Some("banana")
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
session.use { s => // (3)
for {
d <- s.unique(sql"select current_date".query(date)) // (4)
_ <- IO.println(s"The current date is $d.")
} yield ExitCode.Success
Let's examine the code above.
- At ① we import the no-op
, which allows us to run Skunk programs with execution tracing disabled. We will revisit Tracing in a later section. - At ② we define a Resource that yields un-pooled Session values and ensures that they are closed after use. We specify the host, port, user, database, and password (see Session for information on ther connection options).
- At ③ we
the resource, specifying a block to execute during theSession
's lifetime. No matter how the block terminates (success, failure, cancellation) theSession
will be closed properly. - At ④ we use the sql interpolator to construct a
that selects a single column of schema typedate
, a value of typejava.time.LocalDate
), then we ask the session to execute it, expecting a unique value back; i.e., exactly one row.
When we run the program we see the current date.
The current date is 2025-03-12.
Here are some modifications that will cause runtime failures. Give them a try and see how Skunk responds.
- Try running with an invalid user, password, or database name.
- Introduce a typo into the SQL string.
- Change the decoder from
to another type liketimestamp
We will see more examples later in the tutorial.