API Documentation: Applicative
extends Functor
with an ap
and pure
import cats.Functor
trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Functor[F] {
def ap[A, B](ff: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B]
def pure[A](a: A): F[A]
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] = ap(pure(f))(fa)
wraps the value into the type constructor - for Option
this could be Some(_)
, for Future
, and for List
a singleton list.
is a bit tricky to explain and motivate, so we'll look at an alternative but equivalent
formulation via product
trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Functor[F] {
def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)]
def pure[A](a: A): F[A]
// Example implementation for right-biased Either
implicit def applicativeForEither[L]: Applicative[Either[L, *]] = new Applicative[Either[L, *]] {
def product[A, B](fa: Either[L, A], fb: Either[L, B]): Either[L, (A, B)] = (fa, fb) match {
case (Right(a), Right(b)) => Right((a, b))
case (Left(l) , _ ) => Left(l)
case (_ , Left(l) ) => Left(l)
def pure[A](a: A): Either[L, A] = Right(a)
def map[A, B](fa: Either[L, A])(f: A => B): Either[L, B] = fa match {
case Right(a) => Right(f(a))
case Left(l) => Left(l)
Note that in this formulation map
is left abstract, whereas in the previous one with ap
could be implemented in terms of ap
and pure
. This suggests that ap
is equivalent to
and product
, which is indeed the case.
Such an Applicative
must obey three laws:
Associativity: No matter the order in which you product together three values, the result is isomorphic
fa.product(fb).product(fc) ~ fa.product(fb.product(fc))
- With
, this can be made into an equality withfa.product(fb).product(fc) = fa.product(fb.product(fc)).map { case (a, (b, c)) => ((a, b), c) }
Left identity: Zipping a value on the left with unit results in something isomorphic to the original value
pure(()).product(fa) ~ fa
- As an equality:
pure(()).product(fa).map(_._2) = fa
Right identity: Zipping a value on the right with unit results in something isomorphic to the original value
fa.product(pure(())) ~ fa
- As an equality:
fa.product(pure(())).map(_._1) = fa
Applicatives for effect management
If we view Functor
as the ability to work with a single effect, Applicative
encodes working with
multiple independent effects. Between product
and map
, we can take two separate effectful values
and compose them. From there we can generalize to working with any N number of independent effects.
import cats.Applicative
def product3[F[_]: Applicative, A, B, C](fa: F[A], fb: F[B], fc: F[C]): F[(A, B, C)] = {
val F = Applicative[F]
val fabc = F.product(F.product(fa, fb), fc) { case ((a, b), c) => (a, b, c) }
What is ap?
Let's see what happens if we try to compose two effectful values with just map
import cats.syntax.all._
val f: (Int, Char) => Double = (i, c) => (i + c).toDouble
val int: Option[Int] = Some(5)
val char: Option[Char] = Some('a') => (c: Char) => f(i, c)) // what now?
// res1: Option[Char => Double] = Some(value = <function1>)
We have an Option[Char => Double]
and an Option[Char]
to which we want to apply the function to,
but map
doesn't give us enough power to do that. Hence, ap
Applicatives compose
Like Functor
, Applicative
s compose. If F
and G
have Applicative
instances, then so
does F[G[_]]
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.concurrent.Future
val x: Future[Option[Int]] = Future.successful(Some(5))
val y: Future[Option[Char]] = Future.successful(Some('a'))
val composed = Applicative[Future].compose[Option].map2(x, y)(_ + _)
// composed: Future[Option[Int]] = Future(Success(Some(102)))
val nested = Applicative[Nested[Future, Option, *]].map2(Nested(x), Nested(y))(_ + _)
// nested: Nested[Future, Option, Int] = Nested(
// value = Future(Success(Some(102)))
// )
The straightforward way to use product
and map
(or just ap
) is to compose n
independent effects,
where n
is a fixed number. In fact there are convenience methods named apN
, mapN
, and tupleN
with a number 2 - 22) to make it even easier.
Imagine we have one Option
representing a username, one representing a password, and another representing
a URL for logging into a database.
import java.sql.Connection
val username: Option[String] = Some("username")
val password: Option[String] = Some("password")
val url: Option[String] = Some("")
// Stub for demonstration purposes
def attemptConnect(username: String, password: String, url: String): Option[Connection] = None
We know statically we have 3 Option
s, so we can use map3
Applicative[Option].map3(username, password, url)(attemptConnect)
// res2: Option[Option[Connection]] = Some(value = None)
Sometimes we don't know how many effects will be in play - perhaps we are receiving a list from user input or getting rows from a database. This implies the need for a function:
def sequenceOption[A](fa: List[Option[A]]): Option[List[A]] = ???
// Alternatively..
def traverseOption[A, B](as: List[A])(f: A => Option[B]): Option[List[B]] = ???
Users of the standard library Future.sequence
or Future.traverse
will find these names and signatures
Let's implement traverseOption
(you can implement sequenceOption
in terms of traverseOption
def traverseOption[A, B](as: List[A])(f: A => Option[B]): Option[List[B]] =
as.foldRight(Some(List.empty[B]): Option[List[B]]) { (a: A, acc: Option[List[B]]) =>
val optB: Option[B] = f(a)
// optB and acc are independent effects so we can use Applicative to compose
Applicative[Option].map2(optB, acc)(_ :: _)
traverseOption(List(1, 2, 3))(i => Some(i): Option[Int])
This works...but if we look carefully at the implementation there's nothing Option
-specific going on. As
another example let's implement the same function but for Either
import cats.syntax.all._
def traverseEither[E, A, B](as: List[A])(f: A => Either[E, B]): Either[E, List[B]] =
as.foldRight(Right(List.empty[B]): Either[E, List[B]]) { (a: A, acc: Either[E, List[B]]) =>
val eitherB: Either[E, B] = f(a)
Applicative[Either[E, *]].map2(eitherB, acc)(_ :: _)
traverseEither(List(1, 2, 3))(i => if (i % 2 != 0) Left(s"${i} is not even") else Right(i / 2))
// res4: Either[String, List[Int]] = Left(value = "1 is not even")
The implementation of traverseOption
and traverseEither
are more or less identical, modulo the initial
"accumulator" to foldRight
. But even that could be made the same by delegating to Applicative#pure
Generalizing Option
and Either
to any F[_]: Applicative
gives us the fully polymorphic version.
Existing data types with Applicative
instances (Future
, Option
, Either[E, *]
, Try
) can call it by fixing F
appropriately, and new data types need only be concerned with implementing Applicative
to do so as well.
def traverse[F[_]: Applicative, A, B](as: List[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[List[B]] =
as.foldRight(Applicative[F].pure(List.empty[B])) { (a: A, acc: F[List[B]]) =>
val fb: F[B] = f(a)
Applicative[F].map2(fb, acc)(_ :: _)
This function is provided by Cats via the Traverse[List]
instance and syntax, which is covered in another
import cats.syntax.all._
List(1, 2, 3).traverse(i => Some(i): Option[Int])
// res5: Option[List[Int]] = Some(value = List(1, 2, 3))
With this addition of traverse
, we can now compose any number of independent effects, statically known or otherwise.
Apply - a weakened Applicative
A closely related type class is Apply
which is identical to Applicative
, modulo the pure
method. Indeed in Cats Applicative
is a subclass of Apply
with the addition of this method.
trait Apply[F[_]] extends Functor[F] {
def ap[A, B](ff: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B]
trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Apply[F] {
def pure[A](a: A): F[A]
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] = ap(pure(f))(fa)
The laws for Apply
are just the laws of Applicative
that don't mention pure
. In the laws given
above, the only law would be associativity.
One of the motivations for Apply
's existence is that some types have Apply
instances but not
- one example is Map[K, *]
. Consider the behavior of pure
for Map[K, A]
. Given
a value of type A
, we need to associate some arbitrary K
to it but we have no way of doing that.
However, given existing Map[K, A]
and Map[K, B]
(or Map[K, A => B]
), it is straightforward to
pair up (or apply functions to) values with the same key. Hence Map[K, *]
has an Apply
Syntax for Applicative
(or Apply
) is available under the cats.implicits._
import. The most
interesting syntax is focused on composing independent effects: it works just like the methods
for composition we saw above (map3
, tuple3
, etc.), but achieves a slightly friendlier syntax
by enriching Scala's standard tuple types.
For example, we've already seen this code for mapping over three options together:
Applicative[Option].map3(username, password, url)(attemptConnect)
// res6: Option[Option[Connection]] = Some(value = None)
With the applicative syntax, we can change this to the slightly shorter:
import cats.syntax.all._
(username, password, url).mapN(attemptConnect)
// res7: Option[Option[Connection]] = Some(value = None)
We don't have to mention the type or specify the number of values we're composing together, so there's a little less boilerplate here.
Another very useful Apply
syntax is tupled
, which allows a tuple of effectful values to be composed into a single effectful value containing a tuple.
import cats.syntax.all._
val optPair: Option[(String, String)] = (username, password).tupled
// optPair: Option[(String, String)] = Some(value = ("username", "password"))
See also Parallel variants
Both tupled
and mapN
have parallel variant operations, named parTupled
and parMapN
respectively. Regular tupled
evaluate their effects from left to right ("sequentially"), while parTupled
evaluate in an indeterminate order, or in parallel.
The difference can be understood intuitively when the effect is an executable task, such as IO
from Cats Effect. In this case, the parallel variants enable you to compose tuples of tasks into a single task that will run its sub-tasks concurrently.
Further Reading
- Applicative Programming with Effects - McBride, Patterson. JFP 2008.