API Documentation: Arrow
is a type class for modeling composable relationships between two types. One example of such a composable relationship is function A => B
; other examples include
(wrapping an A => F[B]
, also known as ReaderT
), and
(wrapping an F[A] => B
). These type constructors all have Arrow
instances. An arrow F[A, B]
can be thought of as representing a computation from A
to B
with some context, just like a functor/applicative/monad F[A]
represents a value A
with some context.
Having an Arrow
instance for a type constructor F[_, _]
means that an F[_, _]
can be composed and combined with other F[_, _]
s. You will be able to do things like:
- Lifting a function
ab: A => B
into arrowF[A, B]
. IfF
thenA => B
is the same asF[A, B]
is just the identity function. - Composing
fab: F[A, B]
andfbc: F[B, C]
intofac: F[A, C]
withArrow[F].compose(fbc, fab)
, orfab >>> fbc
. IfF
becomes an alias forandThen
. - Taking two arrows
fab: F[A, B]
andfcd: F[C, D]
and combining them intoF[(A, C), (B, D)]
orfab *** fcd
. The resulting arrow takes two inputs and processes them with two arrows, one for each input. - Taking an arrow
fab: F[A, B]
and turning it intoF[(A, C), (B, C)]
. The resulting arrow takes two inputs, processes the first input and leaves the second input as it is. A similar method,fab.second
, turnsF[A, B]
intoF[(C, A), (C, B)]
has an Arrow
instance, so you can use all the above methods on Function1
. The Scala standard library has the compose
and andThen
methods for composing Function1
s, but the Arrow
instance offers more powerful options.
Suppose we want to write a function meanAndVar
, that takes a List[Int]
and returns the pair of mean and variance. To do so, we first define a combine
function that combines two arrows into a single arrow, which takes an input and processes two copies of it with two arrows. combine
can be defined in terms of Arrow
operations lift
, >>>
and ***
import cats.arrow.Arrow
import cats.syntax.all._
def combine[F[_, _]: Arrow, A, B, C](fab: F[A, B], fac: F[A, C]): F[A, (B, C)] =
Arrow[F].lift((a: A) => (a, a)) >>> (fab *** fac)
We can then create functions mean: List[Int] => Double
, variance: List[Int] => Double
and meanAndVar: List[Int] => (Double, Double)
using the combine
method and Arrow
val mean: List[Int] => Double =
combine((_: List[Int]).sum, (_: List[Int]).size) >>> {case (x, y) => x.toDouble / y}
val variance: List[Int] => Double =
// Variance is mean of square minus square of mean
combine(((_: List[Int]).map(x => x * x)) >>> mean, mean) >>> {case (x, y) => x - y * y}
val meanAndVar: List[Int] => (Double, Double) = combine(mean, variance)
meanAndVar(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
// res0: (Double, Double) = (2.5, 1.25)
Of course, a more natural way to implement mean
and variance
would be:
val mean2: List[Int] => Double = xs => xs.sum.toDouble / xs.size
val variance2: List[Int] => Double = xs => mean2( => x * x)) - scala.math.pow(mean2(xs), 2.0)
However, Arrow
methods are more general and provide a common structure for type constructors that have Arrow
instances. They are also a more abstract way of stitching computations together.
A Kleisli[F[_], A, B]
represents a function A => F[B]
. You cannot directly compose an A => F[B]
with a B => F[C]
with functional composition, since the codomain of the first function is F[B]
while the domain of the second function is B
; however, since Kleisli
is an arrow (as long as F
is a monad), you can easily compose Kleisli[F[_], A, B]
with Kleisli[F[_], B, C]
using Arrow
Suppose you want to take a List[Int]
, and return the sum of the first and the last element (if exists). To do so, we can create two Kleisli
s that find the headOption
and lastOption
of a List[Int]
, respectively:
val headK = Kleisli((_: List[Int]).headOption)
val lastK = Kleisli((_: List[Int]).lastOption)
With headK
and lastK
, we can obtain the Kleisli
arrow we want by combining them, and composing it with _ + _
val headPlusLast = combine(headK, lastK) >>> Arrow[Kleisli[Option, *, *]].lift(((_: Int) + (_: Int)).tupled), 3, 5, 8))
// res1: Option[Int] = Some(value = 10)
// res2: Option[Int] = None
In this example let's create our own Arrow
. We shall create a fancy version of Function1
called FancyFunction
, that is capable of maintaining states. We then create an Arrow
instance for FancyFunction
and use it to compute the moving average of a list of numbers.
case class FancyFunction[A, B](run: A => (FancyFunction[A, B], B))
That is, given an A
, it not only returns a B
, but also returns a new FancyFunction[A, B]
. This sounds similar to the State
monad (which returns a result and a new State
from an initial State
), and indeed, FancyFunction
can be used to perform stateful transformations.
To run a stateful computation using a FancyFunction
on a list of inputs, and collect the output into another list, we can define the following runList
helper function:
def runList[A, B](ff: FancyFunction[A, B], as: List[A]): List[B] = as match {
case h :: t =>
val (ff2, b) =
b :: runList(ff2, t)
case _ => List()
In runList
, the head element in List[A]
is fed to ff
, and each subsequent element is fed to a FancyFunction
which is generated by running the previous FancyFunction
on the previous element. If we have an as: List[Int]
, and an avg: FancyFunction[Int, Double]
which takes an integer and computes the average of all integers it has seen so far, we can call runList(avg, as)
to get the list of moving average of as
Next let's create an Arrow
instance for FancyFunction
and see how to implement the avg
arrow. To create an Arrow
instance for a type F[A, B]
, the following abstract methods need to be implemented:
def lift[A, B](f: A => B): F[A, B]
def id[A]: F[A, A]
def compose[A, B, C](f: F[B, C], g: F[A, B]): F[A, C]
def first[A, B, C](fa: F[A, B]): F[(A, C), (B, C)]
Thus the Arrow
instance for FancyFunction
would be:
implicit val arrowInstance: Arrow[FancyFunction] = new Arrow[FancyFunction] {
override def lift[A, B](f: A => B): FancyFunction[A, B] = FancyFunction(lift(f) -> f(_))
override def first[A, B, C](fa: FancyFunction[A, B]): FancyFunction[(A, C), (B, C)] = FancyFunction {case (a, c) =>
val (fa2, b) =
(first(fa2), (b, c))
override def id[A]: FancyFunction[A, A] = FancyFunction(id -> _)
override def compose[A, B, C](f: FancyFunction[B, C], g: FancyFunction[A, B]): FancyFunction[A, C] = FancyFunction {a =>
val (gg, b) =
val (ff, c) =
(compose(ff, gg), c)
Once we have an Arrow[FancyFunction]
, we can start to do interesting things with it. First, let's create a method accum
that returns a FancyFunction
, which accumulates values fed to it using the accumulation function f
and the starting value b
def accum[A, B](b: B)(f: (A, B) => B): FancyFunction[A, B] = FancyFunction {a =>
val b2 = f(a, b)
(accum(b2)(f), b2)
runList(accum[Int, Int](0)(_ + _), List(6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1))
// res3: List[Int] = List(6, 11, 15, 18, 20, 21)
To make the aformentioned avg
arrow, we need to keep track of both the count and the sum of the numbers we have seen so far. To do so, we will combine several FancyFunction
s to get the avg
arrow we want.
We first define arrow sum
in terms of accum
, and define arrow count
by composing _ => 1
with sum
import cats.kernel.Monoid
def sum[A: Monoid]: FancyFunction[A, A] = accum(Monoid[A].empty)(_ |+| _)
def count[A]: FancyFunction[A, Int] = Arrow[FancyFunction].lift((_: A) => 1) >>> sum
Finally, we create the avg
arrow in terms of the arrows we have so far:
def avg: FancyFunction[Int, Double] =
combine(sum[Int], count[Int]) >>> Arrow[FancyFunction].lift{case (x, y) => x.toDouble / y}
runList(avg, List(1, 10, 100, 1000))
// res4: List[Double] = List(1.0, 5.5, 37.0, 277.75)