
The central interface in Natchez is the Span, which is a managed resource that records timing information and other details about its own lifetime. We perform computations within the lifetime of a span and thus gather timing information about these computations.

A Span can create child spans, whose lifetimes are bounded (usually!) by the lifetime of the parent. We can thus gather timing information for various phases of computation within a larger computation. Concurrent computations may have many active child spans.

Spans thus form a tree.

Each Span (in addition to a parent, name, intrinisic timing information, and other back-end-specific data) contains a string-keyed map of TraceValues (strings, booleans, and numbers) for arbitrary user-defined information.

A Span can provide a hunk of data called a Kernel, which can be sent to a remote computer, typically via HTTP headers. The remote computer can then create child spans that will be linked with the originating span by the tracing back-end. Tracing is thus distributed.

Passing Spans Around

The examples in this section use the following imports:

import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.syntax.all._
import natchez.{ Span, Trace }

There are two strategies for keeping track of the current span.

Explicit Span

The simple (but verbose) strategy for knowing what the current span is, is to pass one as an argument to any method that needs to do tracing. For example:

def wibble(name: String, age: Int, parent: Span[IO]): IO[Unit] =
  parent.span("wibble").use { span =>
    for {
      _ <- span.put("name" -> name, "age" -> age)
      // ... actual method logic in IO
    } yield ()

This approach might make sense if you’re using a concrete effect type with no “reader” capability (like IO with Cats-Effect 2).

Ambient Span

A nicer way to pass the current span around is to use the Trace constraint, which ensures that there is always a current span. With this strategy you never have see Span reference at all, but instead use the Trace instance directly.

def wibble[F[_]: Trace: Monad](name: String, age: Int, parent: Span[F]): F[Unit] =
  Trace[F].span("wibble") {
    for {
      _ <- Trace[F].put("name" -> name, "age" -> age)
      // ... actual method logic in F
    } yield ()

Use this strategy if you’re programming in tagless style (i.e., abstract effect F) or if you’re using a concrete data type with “reader” capabilities (like IO Cats-Effect 3).

See the reference for more information on the Trace constraint.

Span Properties

All spans have the following intrinisic properties, all of which return vendor-specific values.

Property Meaning
spanId An opaque string identifier that uniquely identifies a span.
traceUri A URI where a user can view the trace using the back end’s GUI.
kernel A map of values that can be sent to a remote computer, allowing it to continue this trace. See the reference for more information.

These fields are available on Span instances if you’re passing them explicitly, and directly the Trace effect if you’re using ambient spans.

Span Fields

All spans have an internal map of string tag +TraceValue pairs called fields.

  • You can add a field to a span via the put method on Span or Trace.
  • Fields are write-only. There is no way to inspect a span’s fields.

Some field tags are meaningful to tracing back-ends in a vendor-specific way. These include internal trace/span identifiers, timing information, indication of errors, and so on. These fields are added automatically during the span’s lifetime

Some field tags are “standard”, in the sense that they are recommended by emerging standards (OpenTracing, OpenTelemetry). Back ends recognize these fields sporadically. You can construct fields that use these standard tags via the Tags object.

Other field tags are arbitrary strings that you can create as you wish. Most tracing back ends allow you to query for traces/spans base on these tags, and display them in a table when viewing a span.

Constructing Spans

Most spans are child spans created via the span method on an existing Span or Trace instance.

  • When using explicit spans, the child is presented as a Resource that you use.
  • When using ambient spans, the child span constructor takes a continuation to execute in the context of the child span.

Root spans and continued spans are constructed via an EntryPoint.

  • A root span has no parent, and is typically constructed when a new externel web request is received.
  • A continued span has a parent on another computer, and is typically constructed when a new internal request is received.

See the reference for more information on EntryPoint.

The source code for this page can be found here.