AST Rewriting

The document tree in a Laika transformation is a generic representation of the document that does not contain any specific semantic or technical coupling to a concrete input or output format. This allows to add custom processing logic only operating on the document structure itself, so it can be used with all supported input and output formats unchanged.

Rewriting a tree means traversing it and replacing or removing some of its nodes. A tree model is immutable, so rewriting always creates a new tree, while reusing unmodified branches for efficiency.

Several of Laika's built-in features are implemented as rewrite rules internally, like the mechanism for resolving internal references or footnote auto-numbering. But it is also designed to be a hook for processing on the application level.

How Rewrite Rules Work

A rewrite rule has the type PartialFunction[T, RewriteAction[T]]. Laika offers a type alias RewriteRule[T] for convenience.

The rules are as follows:

The following sections show the three ways to apply such a rule.

Applying a Rewrite Rule

The mechanism is slightly different, depending on whether you are using the sbt plugin or Laika embedded in an application. In the latter case you have two choices, one for hooking into a full transformation, the other for operating on nodes obtained by a separate parse operation. All three options are described below.

Using the sbt Plugin

The following example of an sbt build file shows how to turn each Emphasized node into a Strong node while processing everything else with default rules:

import laika.ast._

laikaExtensions += laikaSpanRewriteRule { 
  case Emphasized(content, opts) => RewriteAction.Replace(Strong(content, opts))

Using the Transformer API

When using the library API and all you want to do is to perform a full transformation from some input text to some output format, the Transformer API offers a hook to do this in one go, as a step in the transformation process.

Again we replace all Emphasized nodes with Strong nodes:

import laika.api._
import laika.ast._
import laika.format._

val transformer = Transformer
  .usingSpanRule {
    case Emphasized(content, opts) => RewriteAction.Replace(Strong(content, opts))

Working with the Tree Model

The final option is to use the rewrite method on individual documents or AST nodes.

The types DocumentTree and Document come with a rewrite method as well as most of the node types that can occur within a document (all nodes that mix in RewritableContainer).

Obtaining Document instances is usually achieved by splitting the parsing and rendering operations instead of using a full transformer. This is described in detail in Separate Parsing and Rendering.

Once again we are turning all Emphasized nodes in the text to Strong nodes for our example:

import laika.ast._

def doc: Document = ??? // obtained through the Parser API

val newDoc = doc.rewrite(RewriteRules.forSpans {
  case Emphasized(content, opts) => RewriteAction.Replace(Strong(content, opts))

For a slightly more advanced example, let's assume you only want to replace Emphasized nodes inside headers. To accomplish this you need to nest a rewrite operation inside another one:

import laika.ast._

def doc: Document = ??? // obtained through the Parser API

val newDoc = doc.rewrite(RewriteRules.forBlocks {
  case h: Header => RewriteAction.Replace(h.rewriteSpans {
    case Emphasized(content, opts) => RewriteAction.Replace(Strong(content, opts))

Effectful AST Transformations

The rewrite rules shown in this chapter so far were all applied to individual nodes within parsed documents, and had to be pure functions without any side effects.

There is a related functionality called TreeProcessor, which is part of the laika-io module and the sbt plugin and offers additional options:

Our example shows how to add a document to the virtual tree for PDF documents only:

import cats.effect.IO
import laika.ast._
import laika.theme.TreeProcessorBuilder

def intro: Document = ??? // e.g. created in-memory

val processor = TreeProcessorBuilder[IO].mapTree { tree =>

laikaTreeProcessors += LaikaTreeProcessor(processor, OutputContext(PDF))
import cats.effect.IO
import laika.api._
import laika.format._

def intro: Document = ??? // e.g. created in-memory

val transformer = Transformer