A total map from a key to a Ref
of its value.
import cats.effect.Ref
trait MapRef[F[_], K, V] {
* Access the reference for this Key
def apply(k: K): Ref[F, V]
It is conceptually similar to a Ref[F, Map[K, V]]
but with better ergonomics when working on a per key basis.
Note, however, that it does not support atomic updates to multiple keys.
Additionally, some implementations also provide less contention: since all operations are performed on individual key-value pairs, the pairs can be sharded by key. Thus, multiple concurrent updates may be executed independently to each other, as long as their keys belong to different shards.
In-Memory database
This is probably one of the most common uses of this datatype.
//> using lib "org.typelevel::cats-effect::3.5.4"
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.std.MapRef
trait DatabaseClient[F[_], Id, Data] {
def getDataById(id: Id): F[Option[Data]]
def upsertData(id: Id, data: Data): F[Unit]
object DatabaseClient {
def inMemory[Id, Data]: IO[DatabaseClient[IO, Id, Data]] =
MapRef.ofShardedImmutableMap[IO, Id, Data](
shardCount = 5 // Arbitrary number of shards just for demonstration.
).map { mapRef =>
new DatabaseClient[IO, Id, Data] {
override def getDataById(id: Id): IO[Option[Data]] =
override def upsertData(id: Id, data: Data): IO[Unit] =
mapRef(id).update(_ => Some(data))