Selecting Data
In this chapter we will write some some programs to read from the database, mapping rows to Scala types on the way. We also introduce YOLO mode for experimenting with doobie in the REPL.
Setting Up
First let’s get our imports out of the way and set up a Transactor
as we did before. You can skip this step if you still have your REPL running from last chapter.
import doobie._
import doobie.implicits._
import doobie.util.ExecutionContexts
import cats._
import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
import fs2.Stream
// This is just for testing. Consider using cats.effect.IOApp instead of calling
// unsafe methods directly.
// A transactor that gets connections from java.sql.DriverManager and executes blocking operations
// on our synchronous EC. See the chapter on connection handling for more info.
val xa = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO](
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver", // JDBC driver classname
url = "jdbc:postgresql:world", // Connect URL
user = "postgres", // Database user name
password = "password", // Database password
logHandler = None // Don't setup logging for now. See Logging page for how to log events in detail
We will be playing with the country
table, shown here for reference. If you don’t have the world
database set up, go back to the Introduction for instructions.
CREATE TABLE country (
code character(3) NOT NULL,
name text NOT NULL,
population integer NOT NULL,
gnp numeric(10,2)
-- more columns, but we won't use them here
Reading Rows into Collections
For our first query let’s aim low and select some country names into a List
, then print out the first few. There are several steps here so we have noted the types along the way.
sql"select name from country"
.query[String] // Query0[String]
.to[List] // ConnectionIO[List[String]]
.transact(xa) // IO[List[String]]
.unsafeRunSync() // List[String]
.take(5) // List[String]
.foreach(println) // Unit
// Afghanistan
// Netherlands
// Netherlands Antilles
// Albania
// Algeria
Let’s break this down a bit.
sql"select name from country".query[String]
defines aQuery0[String]
, which is a one-column query that maps each returned row to aString
. We will get to more interesting row types[List]
is a convenience method that accumulates rows into aList
, in this case yielding aConnectionIO[List[String]]
. It works with any collection type that has aCanBuildFrom
. Similar methods are:.unique
which returns a single value, raising an exception if there is not exactly one row returned..option
which returns anOption
, raising an exception if there is more than one row returned..nel
which returns anNonEmptyList
, raising an exception if there are no rows returned.- See the Scaladoc for
for more information on these and other methods.
- The rest is familar;
yields aIO[List[String]]
which we run, giving us a normal ScalaList[String]
that we print out.
Internal Streaming
The example above is ok, but there’s not much point reading all the results from the database when we only want the first five rows. So let’s try a different approach.
sql"select name from country"
.query[String] // Query0[String]
.stream // Stream[ConnectionIO, String]
.take(5) // Stream[ConnectionIO, String]
.compile.toList // ConnectionIO[List[String]]
.transact(xa) // IO[List[String]]
.unsafeRunSync() // List[String]
.foreach(println) // Unit
// Afghanistan
// Netherlands
// Netherlands Antilles
// Albania
// Algeria
The difference here is that stream
gives us an fs2 Stream[ConnectionIO, String]
that emits rows as they arrive from the database. By applying take(5)
we instruct the stream to shut everything down (and clean everything up) after five elements have been emitted. This is much more efficient than pulling all 239 rows and then throwing most of them away.
Of course a server-side LIMIT
would be an even better way to do this (for databases that support it), but in cases where you need client-side filtering or other custom postprocessing, Stream
is a very general and powerful tool. For more information see the fs2 repo, which has a good list of learning resources.
The API we have seen so far is ok, but it’s tiresome to keep saying transact(xa)
and doing foreach(println)
to see what the results look like. So just for REPL exploration there is a module of extra syntax provided on your Transactor
that you can import.
val y = xa.yolo // a stable reference is required
import y._
We can now run our previous query in an abbreviated form.
sql"select name from country"
.query[String] // Query0[String]
.stream // Stream[ConnectionIO, String]
.take(5) // Stream[ConnectionIO, String]
.quick // IO[Unit]
This syntax allows you to quickly run a Query0[A]
or Stream[ConnectionIO, A]
and see the results printed to the console. This isn’t a huge deal but it can save you some keystrokes when you’re just messing around.
- The
method sinks the stream to standard out (adding ANSI coloring for fun) and then calls.transact
, yielding aIO[Unit]
. - The
method returns aIO[Unit]
that performs a metadata analysis on the provided query and asserted types and prints out a report. This is covered in detail in the chapter on typechecking queries.
Multi-Column Queries
We can select multiple columns, of course, and map them to a tuple. The gnp
column in our table is nullable so we’ll select that one into an Option[Double]
. In a later chapter we’ll see how to check the types to be sure they’re sensible.
sql"select code, name, population, gnp from country"
.query[(String, String, Int, Option[Double])]
doobie supports row mappings for atomic column types, as well as options, tuples, HList
s, shapeless records, and case classes thereof. So let’s try the same query with an HList
import shapeless._
sql"select code, name, population, gnp from country"
.query[String :: String :: Int :: Option[Double] :: HNil]
And with a shapeless record:
import shapeless.record.Record
type Rec = Record.`'code -> String, 'name -> String, 'pop -> Int, 'gnp -> Option[Double]`.T
sql"select code, name, population, gnp from country"
And again, mapping rows to a case class.
case class Country(code: String, name: String, pop: Int, gnp: Option[Double])
sql"select code, name, population, gnp from country"
You can also nest case classes, HList
s, shapeless records, and/or tuples arbitrarily as long as the eventual members are of supported columns types. For instance, here we map the same set of columns to a tuple of two case classes:
case class Code(code: String)
case class Country2(name: String, pop: Int, gnp: Option[Double])
sql"select code, name, population, gnp from country"
.query[(Code, Country2)]
And just for fun, since the Code
values are constructed from the primary key, let’s turn the results into a Map
. Trivial but useful.
sql"select code, name, population, gnp from country"
.query[(Code, Country2)]
Final Streaming
In the examples above we construct a Stream[ConnectionIO, A]
and discharge it via .compile.toList
, yielding a ConnectionIO[List[A]]
which eventually becomes a IO[List[A]]
. So the construction and execution of the Stream
is entirely internal to the doobie program.
However in some cases a stream is what we want as our “top level” type. For example, http4s can use a Stream[IO, A]
directly as a response type, which could allow us to stream a resultset directly to the network socket. We can achieve this in doobie by calling transact
directly on the Stream[ConnectionIO, A]
val p: Stream[IO, Country2] = {
sql"select name, population, gnp from country"
.query[Country2] // Query0[Country2]
.stream // Stream[ConnectionIO, Country2]
.transact(xa) // Stream[IO, Country2]
// p: Stream[IO, Country2] = Stream(..)
// Country2(Afghanistan,22720000,Some(5976.0))
// Country2(Netherlands,15864000,Some(371362.0))
// Country2(Netherlands Antilles,217000,Some(1941.0))
// Country2(Albania,3401200,Some(3205.0))
// Country2(Algeria,31471000,Some(49982.0))
Diving Deeper
The sql
interpolator is sugar for constructors defined in the doobie.hi.connection
module, aliased as HC
if you use the standard imports. Using these constructors directly, the above program would look like this:
import doobie.hi.HC
import{FC, FPS}
import doobie.util.log.{LoggingInfo, Parameters}
val sql = "select code, name, population, gnp from country"
// sql: String = "select code, name, population, gnp from country"
val proc =[(Code, Country2)](
create = FC.prepareStatement(sql), // Create prepared statement
prep = FPS.unit, // prepare steps (none)
exec = FPS.executeQuery, // execute the query
chunkSize = 512, // chunk size
loggingInfo = LoggingInfo(
sql = sql,
params = Parameters.NonBatch(List.empty), // No parameters
label = "unlabeled"
// proc: Stream[ConnectionIO, (Code, Country2)] = Stream(..)
proc.take(5) // Stream[ConnectionIO, (Code, Country2)]
.compile.toList // ConnectionIO[List[(Code, Country2)]]
.map(_.toMap) // ConnectionIO[Map[Code, Country2]]
The stream
combinator is parameterized on the element type and consumes a statement and a program in PreparedStatementIO
that sets input parameters and any other pre-execution configuration. In this case the “prepare” program is a no-op.