Statement Fragments
In this chapter we discuss how to construct SQL statements at runtime.
Setting Up
Same as last chapter, so if you’re still set up you can skip this section. Otherwise let’s set up a Transactor
and YOLO mode.
import doobie._
import doobie.implicits._
import doobie.util.ExecutionContexts
import cats._
import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
// This is just for testing. Consider using cats.effect.IOApp instead of calling
// unsafe methods directly.
// A transactor that gets connections from java.sql.DriverManager and executes blocking operations
// on an our synchronous EC. See the chapter on connection handling for more info.
val xa = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO](
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver", // JDBC driver classname
url = "jdbc:postgresql:world", // Connect URL - Driver specific
user = "postgres", // Database user name
password = "password", // Database password
logHandler = None // Don't setup logging for now. See Logging page for how to log events in detail
val y = xa.yolo
import y._
We’re still playing with the country
table, shown here for reference.
CREATE TABLE country (
code character(3) NOT NULL,
name text NOT NULL,
population integer NOT NULL,
gnp numeric(10,2)
-- more columns, but we won't use them here
Composing SQL literals
You can construct a SQL Fragment
using the fr
interpolator, which behaves just like the sql
interpolator. Fragments are concatenated with ++
val a = fr"select name from country"
// a: Fragment = Fragment("select name from country ")
val b = fr"where code = 'USA'"
// b: Fragment = Fragment("where code = 'USA' ")
val c = a ++ b // concatenation by ++
// c: Fragment = Fragment("select name from country where code = 'USA' ")
Fragments can capture arguments of any type with a Put
instance, just as the sql
interpolator does.
def whereCode(s: String) = fr"where code = $s"
val fra = whereCode("FRA")
// fra: Fragment = Fragment("where code = ? ")
(fr"select name from country" ++ fra).query[String].quick.unsafeRunSync()
You can lift an arbitrary string value via Fragment.const
, which allows you to parameterize on things that aren’t valid SQL parameters.
def count(table: String) = (fr"select count(*) from" ++ Fragment.const(table)).query[Int].unique
Note that
performs no escaping of passed strings. Passing user-supplied data is an injection risk.
You can also use Fragments in fr
interpolator directly. Both parameters and SQL literals will be substituted correctly.
val countryCode: String = "NZL"
// countryCode: String = "NZL"
val whereFragment: Fragment = fr"WHERE code = $countryCode"
// whereFragment: Fragment = Fragment("WHERE code = ? ")
val frag = fr"SELECT name FROM country $whereFragment"
// frag: Fragment = Fragment("SELECT name FROM country WHERE code = ? ")
As long as your individual fragments were constructed securely (i.e. Never call
with user supplied input), You can freely concatenate or interpolate fragments without worrying about SQL injection.
Whitespace handling
The rendered SQL string for a fr
or const
fragment will have a single space character appended, which is usually what you want. Normally you don’t need to worry about whitespace when composing fragments.
If you do not want a fragment to have trailing space you can use the fr0
interpolator or const0
constructor. This is used here and there in the Fragments
module to yield prettier SQL strings.
fr"IN (" ++ List(1, 2, 3).map(n => fr"$n").intercalate(fr",") ++ fr")"
// res4: Fragment = Fragment("IN ( ? , ? , ? ) ")
fr0"IN (" ++ List(1, 2, 3).map(n => fr0"$n").intercalate(fr",") ++ fr")"
// res5: Fragment = Fragment("IN (?, ?, ?) ")
Note that the sql
interpolator is simply an alias for fr0
Additionally, you can use the +~+
operator to concatenate two fragments, ensuring at least one space between them. This is useful when you want to maintain proper spacing without worrying about trailing spaces in individual fragments.
import Fragment.const0
// Assume we don't know (or don't want to worry) if `codeCondFrag` or `populationCondFrag` end with whitespaces or not.
def codeCondFrag: Fragment = fr0"code = 'USA'"
def populationCondFrag: Fragment = fr0"population > 1000000"
const0("SELECT code, name, population FROM country\n") +~+ // a newline will be preserved, no extra whitespace added
fr0"WHERE" +~+ codeCondFrag +~+ fr0"AND" +~+ populationCondFrag +~+
fr0"ORDER BY population DESC"
// res6: Fragment = Fragment("SELECT code, name, population FROM country
// WHERE code = 'USA' AND population > 1000000 ORDER BY population DESC")
In the above example, spaces will be added between fragments where needed automatically.
The Fragments
The Fragments
module provides some combinators for common patterns when working with fragments. The following example illustrates a few of them. See the Scaladoc or source for more information.
Here we define a query with a three optional filter conditions.
// Import some convenience combinators.
import Fragments.{ in, whereAndOpt }
// Country Info
case class Info(name: String, code: String, population: Int)
// Construct a Query0 with some optional filter conditions and a configurable LIMIT.
def select(name: Option[String], pop: Option[Int], codes: List[String], limit: Long) = {
// Three Option[Fragment] filter conditions.
val f1 = => fr"name LIKE $s")
val f2 = => fr"population > $n")
val f3 = => in(fr"code", cs))
// Our final query
val q: Fragment =
fr"SELECT name, code, population FROM country" ++
whereAndOpt(f1, f2, f3) ++
fr"LIMIT $limit"
// Construct a Query0
We first construct three optional filters, the third of which uses the in
combinator to construct an SQL IN
clause. The final statement uses the whereAndOpt
combinator that constructs a WHERE
clause with the passed sequence of Option[Fragment]
joined with AND
if any are defined, otherwise it evaluates to the empty fragment. The end result is that the WHERE
clause appears only if at least one filter is defined.
Let’s look at a few possibilities.
select(None, None, Nil, 10).check.unsafeRunSync() // no filters
select(Some("U%"), None, Nil, 10).check.unsafeRunSync() // one filter
select(Some("U%"), Some(12345), List("FRA", "GBR"), 10).check.unsafeRunSync() // three filters