Frequently-Asked Questions
In this chapter we address some frequently-asked questions, in no particular order. First a bit of set-up.
import cats._
import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.implicits._
import doobie._
import doobie.implicits._
import doobie.util.ExecutionContexts
import java.awt.geom.Point2D
import java.util.UUID
import shapeless._
// This is just for testing. Consider using cats.effect.IOApp instead of calling
// unsafe methods directly.
// A transactor that gets connections from java.sql.DriverManager.
// See the chapter on connection handling for more info.
val xa = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO](
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver", // JDBC driver classname
url = "jdbc:postgresql:world", // Connect URL - Driver specific
user = "postgres", // Database user name
password = "password", // Database password
logHandler = None // Don't setup logging for now. See Logging page for how to log events in detail
How do I do an IN
See the section on IN
clauses in Chapter 5 and Chapter 8 on statement fragments.
How do I ascribe an SQL type to an interpolated parameter?
Interpolated parameters are replaced with ?
placeholders, so if you need to ascribe an SQL type you can use vendor-specific syntax in conjunction with the interpolated value. For example, in PostgreSQL you use :: type
val y = xa.yolo
import y._
val s = "foo"
sql"select $s".query[String].check.unsafeRunSync()
sql"select $s :: char".query[String].check.unsafeRunSync()
How do I do several things in the same transaction?
You can use a for
comprehension to compose any number of ConnectionIO
programs, and then call .transact(xa)
on the result. All of the composed programs will run in the same transaction. For this reason it’s useful for your APIs to expose values in ConnectionIO
, so higher-level code can place transaction boundaries as needed.
How do I run something outside of a transaction?
takes a ConnectionIO
and constructs an IO
or similar that will run it in a single transaction, but it is also possible to include transaction boundaries within a ConnectionIO
, and to disable transaction handling altogether. Some kinds of DDL statements may require this for some databases. You can define a combinator to do this for you.
* Take a program `p` and return an equivalent one that first commits
* any ongoing transaction, runs `p` without transaction handling, then
* starts a new transaction.
def withoutTransaction[A](p: ConnectionIO[A]): ConnectionIO[A] =
FC.setAutoCommit(true).bracket(_ => p)(_ => FC.setAutoCommit(false))
Note that you need both of these operations if you are using a Transactor
because it will always start a transaction and will try to commit on completion.
How do I turn an arbitrary SQL string into a Query0/Update0
case class Code(country: String)
case class City(code: Code, name: String, population: Int)
def cities(code: Code, asc: Boolean): Query0[City] = {
val ord = if (asc) fr"ASC" else fr"DESC"
val sql = fr"""
SELECT countrycode, name, population
FROM city
WHERE countrycode = $code
ORDER BY name""" ++ ord
We can check the resulting Query0
as expected.
val y = xa.yolo
import y._
cities(Code("USA"), true).check.unsafeRunSync()
And it works!
val y = xa.yolo
import y._
cities(Code("USA"), true).stream.take(5).quick.unsafeRunSync()
cities(Code("USA"), false).stream.take(5).quick.unsafeRunSync()
How do I handle outer joins?
With an outer join you end up with set of nullable columns, which you typically want to map to a single Option
of some composite type, which doobie can do for you. If all columns are null you will get back None
case class Country(name: String, code: String)
case class City2(name: String, district: String)
val join =
select, c.code,, k.district
from country c
left outer join city k
on =
""".query[(Country, Option[City2])]
Some examples, filtered for size.
val y = xa.yolo
import y._"United")).quick.unsafeRunSync()
How do I log the SQL produced for my query after interpolation?
See Chapter 10.
Why is there no Get
or Put
There are a lot of ways to handle SQLXML
so there is no pre-defined strategy, but here is one that maps scala.xml.Elem
via streaming.
import doobie.enumerated.JdbcType.Other
import java.sql.SQLXML
import scala.xml.{ XML, Elem }
implicit val XmlMeta: Meta[Elem] =[Elem](
(rs, n) => XML.load(rs.getObject(n).asInstanceOf[SQLXML].getBinaryStream),
(ps, n, e) => {
val sqlXml = ps.getConnection.createSQLXML
val osw = new
XML.write(osw, e, "UTF-8", false, null)
ps.setObject(n, sqlXml)
(_, _, _) => sys.error("update not supported, sorry")
How do I set the chunk size for streaming results?
By default streams constructed with the sql
interpolator are fetched Query.DefaultChunkSize
rows at a time (currently 512). If you wish to change this chunk size you can use streamWithChunkSize
for queries, and withGeneratedKeysWithChunkSize
for updates that return results.
My Postgres domains are all type checking as DISTINCT! How can I get my Yolo tests to pass?
Domains with check constraints will type check as DISTINCT. For Doobie later than 0.4.4, in order to get the type checks to pass, you can define a Meta
of with target type Distinct and xmap
that instances. For example,
import doobie._
import doobie.enumerated.JdbcType
object distinct {
def string(name: String): Meta[String] =
NonEmptyList.of(JdbcType.Distinct, JdbcType.VarChar),
_ getString _,
_.setString(_, _),
_.updateString(_, _)
case class NonEmptyString(value: String)
// If the domain for NonEmptyStrings is nes
implicit val nesMeta: Meta[NonEmptyString] = {
How do I use java.time
types with Doobie?
The following imports will provide Meta
instances for common java.time.* types:
Database driver | Import |
Postgres (org.postgresql.Driver) | doobie.postgres.implicits.* |
MySQL (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) | doobie.mysql.implicits.* |
For other databases, if your JDBC driver supports the java.time types natively, you can use import doobie.implicits.javatimedrivernative._