Custom JDBC Operations
Doobie aims to provide a nice API for typical database operations, but sometimes you need more - such as calling specific JDBC methods. In this page we list ways you can customize your JDBC query, from high level to lower level.
Low-level JDBC API (*
/ doobie.F*
In the low-level API, Doobie encodes the JDBC API as a free monad (hence free
in the package name). Each standard JDBC type has its own free monad counterpart covering its operations
represents operations overjava.sql.Connection
represents operations overjava.sql.PreparedStatement
represents operations overjava.sql.ResultSet
- …and similarly for other JDBC types
For example, in doobie.FC
module you will find equivalents to the methods on java.sql.Connection
class. (FC is an acronym where F == Free and C == Connection). Similarly, doobie.FPS
module contains equivalents to the methods on java.sql.PreparedStatement
Just like we need to be careful to close Connections and PreparedStatements with JDBC, care must be taken when using doobie’s low-level API to ensure resources like Connections and PreparedStatements are closed.
Useful low-level operations
: Access to the underlying JDBC object
Provides access to the underlying JDBC object.
import doobie.FRS // alias for
FRS.raw { resultSet: java.sql.ResultSet =>
// ... do something with the ResultSet
// res0: FRS.ResultSetIO[Int] = Suspend(a = Raw(f = <function1>))
: Convert between various *IO
The embed
method allows you to compose a “lower-level” JDBC operation chain into a “higher-level” one.
In the example below, we embed a ResultSetIO
into a PreparedStatementIO
, which is itself then embedded into a ConnectionIO
import doobie.{FPS, FC}
import doobie.{ResultSetIO, ConnectionIO}
import cats.effect.syntax.all._
import doobie.syntax.all._
val readFirstRowCol1: ResultSetIO[String] = => FRS.getString(1))
// Use bracket to ensure resources are closed
val embedExample: ConnectionIO[String] = FC.prepareStatement("SELECT 1").bracket { preparedStatement =>
FPS.executeQuery.bracket { resultSet =>
FPS.embed(resultSet, readFirstRowCol1)
}(resultSet => FPS.embed(resultSet, FRS.close)))
}(ps => FC.embed(ps, FPS.close))
Other operations
You will find many familiar methods from cats.effect.IO
with the same semantics, such as:
: Lift a pure valueraiseError
: Raise an errordelay
: Suspend a computation
These are eventually interpreted into equivalent cats.effect.IO
High-level API (doobie.hi.*
/ doobie.H*
The doobie.hi.*
modules provide high-level APIs which handle concerns like closing Connections and logging for you. The high-level module builds upont the low-level API (*
In the example below, we use doobie.HC.executeWithResultSet
to execute a query and obtain the results. There is no need explicitly close the Connection, PreparedStatement or ResultSet because it’s handled by HC.executeWithResultSet
import cats.effect.IO
import // To allow .unsafeRunSync
import doobie.Transactor
// Create the transactor
val xa: Transactor[IO] = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO](
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver",
url = "jdbc:postgresql:world",
user = "postgres",
password = "password",
logHandler = None
import doobie.HC // High-level API over java.sql.Connection
import doobie.HRS // High-level API over java.sql.ResultSet
import doobie.ConnectionIO
import doobie.util.log.{LoggingInfo, Parameters}
val sql = "SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1, '1'), (2, '2'))"
val program: ConnectionIO[List[(Int, String)]] = HC.executeWithResultSet(
create = FC.prepareStatement(sql),
prep = FPS.unit,
exec = FPS.executeQuery,
process = HRS.list[(Int, String)],
loggingInfo = LoggingInfo(sql, Parameters.NonBatch(List.empty), label = doobie.util.unlabeled)
// res1: List[(Int, String)] = List((1, "1"), (2, "2"))
Useful high-level APIs in doobie.hi.connection
: Create and execute aPreparedStatement
and then process the ResultSetexecuteWithoutResultSet
: Create and execute aPreparedStatement
which immediately returns the result without reading from aResultSet
(e.g. for updates since the updated row count does not require reading from aResultSet
: Execute aPreparedStatement
query and provide rows in chunks, streamed viafs2.Stream
Tweaking Query
execution with *AlteringExecution
If you just need to do a small “tweak” to your typical Query
execution steps, you can use methods like toAlteringExecution
to customize the steps.
import cats.syntax.all._
import doobie.hi.connection.PreparedExecution
fr"select name from country order by code limit 10"
.toAlteringExecution[List] { (steps: PreparedExecution[List[String]]) =>
process = FRS.setFetchSize(5) *> steps.process
// res2: List[String] = List(
// "Aruba",
// "Afghanistan",
// "Angola",
// "Anguilla",
// "Albania",
// "Andorra",
// "Netherlands Antilles",
// "United Arab Emirates",
// "Argentina",
// "Armenia"
// )